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Building Energy Services

321 services found
  • based in FINLAND

    Local and regional energy and emission balances, Energy performance certificates and consulting for buildings, Consulting in energy saving contracts and energy services (e.g. ESCO services), Energy agency services (Central Finland Energy ...

  • based in USA

    Brite LED Lighting takes great pride in helping you and your business progress by providing customized solutions to evaluate individual lighting needs. Take advantage of our three step energy efficiency consulting service. Evaluate existing lighting systems: One of our trained professionals will complete an EEC inspection to demonstrate where your lighting resources are being ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The amount of solar radiation striking the earth over a 3 day period is equivalent to all the energy stored in all fossil fuels. To increase the harnessing of this versatile energy source ETP works with partner SISER – Scottish Institute for Solar Energy Research to develop technologies for the more diffuse light levels typical in northern climates as well as technologies for developing ...

  • Manufactured by Zuccato Energia Srl
    based in ITALY

    Zuccato Energia does not just sell you a plant: it offers you a full-fledged engineering consultancy service dedicated to the integration of our plant with your existing ...

  • Manufactured by Solid Energy A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Solid Energy has many years of experience with heat pumps and has developed a complete heat pump program from 150 kW up to 2,700 kW per ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Complete metering and sub metering solutions for all of your utilities; designed, installed and commissioned in order to providing accurate data for cost management and valuable insight into energy ...


    Colloide designs and constructs sustainable biomass heating solutions for all types of businesses, from small organisations to large commercial and industrial enterprises. We design and install the complete system including the boiler, biomass storage, pipework, buffer vessels and controls. We also offer a packaged biomass system called the ‘Heat Pod’ which is a complete heating solution within ...

  • The first step to ensure energy efficiency is an Energy Audit by an accredited energy analyst, also known as a HERS Rater. Specially trained to understand the complex interactions with your home or commercial property, a HERS Rater is uniquely qualified to diagnose key issues that can affect durability, energy efficiency, safety and overall health. Once they have uncovered a problem, your Rater ...

  • Capacity Building Strategic Framework launched, During the past months, IRENA has developed a strategic framework for capacity building in close cooperation with Member countries, regional entities, the private sector, academic institutions and networks. The framework outlines ways for IRENA to support the development of a qualified human and institutional resources base for renewable energy ...

  • ENVIROPLAN is systematically involved in the preparation of various types of studies required for renewable energy sources (RES) projects, like Wind-Mill Energy Plants (WMEP) Small Hydroelectric Plants (SHEP), Photovoltaic Power Generation Plants (PV). Biomass plants as well as energy saving measures. Furthermore, the company conducts studies on water resources management (database organization, ...

  • ThermalTech has performed over 750 energy audits in all types of buildings across the country. Our energy audit history began in 1980 with Federal Title III audits in office buildings, colleges and universities throughout Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Since those early days we developed, incorporated and improved our energy auditing capabilities and tools. Now we combine our specialized ECM ...

  • Resource Energy can objectively offer invaluable advice on a large variety of energy efficiency initiatives. Many of such initiatives may, in fact, fail to meet reasonable payback period and cost/benefit standards once diligent analysis is made of such ...

  • based in NEW ZEALAND

    Opportunities for deep level energy efficiency retrofits are often identified as a result of a Continuous Energy Optimisation project and require significant capital. Typically these include upgrades to the BMS, more efficient and reliable valves and pumps, upgraded ductwork, speed drives, chiller and boiler upgrades, more efficient glazing or shading and insulation. The projects can lead to ...

  • Manufactured by Enica
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Over the past 10 years, Enica has delivered professional building energy surveys to thousands of commercial and industrial properties across the UK. ...

  • The Energy Conservation & Development Division is providing interdisciplinary field study packages to thermal power stations, hydel power stations and process industries on energy audit, energy conservation, energy efficiency, improvement, remaining life estimation, renovation, modernisation, upgradation and life extension of components, sub-systems and ...

  • based in USA

    As more people work remotely and physical presence at work has been limited to essential personnel only, traditional energy audits can be challenging. A traditional energy audit involves a site visit (often via a plane trip), and a walkthrough of the building, both of which may be unsafe and impossible for some time to come. Not to worry, because there is no need to hit the pause button on the ...

  • The energetic remediation of existing buildings is one of the most important measures to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. However, it is not only necessary to create energetically improved building facades and to renew and improve the technical equipment. It is essential to create a holistic remediation concept which includes the building climate and building physics in order to ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The energy reporting service is aimed at energy conscious businesses who want to improve the energy efficiency of their commercial buildings. Energy reporting can be produced for commercial offices, leisure centers, hospitals and factories to name just a few. Energy reporting usually involves remotely collecting the building's energy data and analyzing the data and presenting it in ...

  • The Industrial Energy Efficiency Division of TERI focuses on development and promotion of technological solutions for efficient utilization of energy in the industrial sector. The activities of the Division encompass large industries as well as Small and Medium Enterprises ...

  • based in CANADA

    SWTCH makes it easy to provide charging in new and existing multi-family ...

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