CHPC Downloads
Valuable Materials
6319e04/12VALUABLE MATERIALSrecovered from the raw material source wasteDomestic and industrial waste including biowasteare important raw materials and potential energysources. Numerous outputs can be recycled fromwaste. Most importantly, gas, electricity and heatcan be generated from various waste fractions.Turnkey and at one stop, KÜTTNER offers plantand equipment not only for solving disposal ...
Quality management for biomass heating plants (“QM Holzheizwerke”) The design and construction of biomass heating plants, in particular plants supplying local and district heating networks, is a technically ambitious project. Such heating plants must be regarded as a long-term investment with relatively high capital and technical requirements. Professional project management and technical ...
Hospital Cogeneration (CHP) - Brochure
There is increasing pressure on the hospitals and healthcare sectors to improve efficiency. With respect to energy this takes three key forms: Making limited financial resources go further, Improving energy efficiency, Reducing carbon emissions. Using a combined heat and power (CHP) plant in a hospital is an ideal way of achieving each of these three targets. Natural gas is a clean-burning low ...
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