Electric Boilers Equipment Supplied In Latin America
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Electric Steam Superheaters are available for use with steam boilers as auxiliary pieces of equipment. Our superheaters are all custom-made and built to meet the specific design requirements of each application. A superheater increases the temperature of the steam but does not increase the latent heat of evaporation. This means that heating with superheated steam is similar to heating with ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode to one phase to the ground using the water as the ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
For the past 45 years, ACME-AEP has manufactured the key components of auxiliary boiler systems, namely boilers, superheaters, secondary pressure vessels, and associated control systems. Power generation projects require an auxiliary boiler system to provide steam on start-up, during maintenance shut-downs, steam turbine gland systems, ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Steam Superheaters are available for operating pressures of up to 800 PSIG and temperatures up to 1200 deg. F. Steam flow is only limited by practical size considerations. Pressure sections are built to ASME code with National Board or CRN registration. Burners are AGA or CGA listed with UL, CSA or other gas train standards as requested or applicable. The ACME Steam Superheater is delivered ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
Electric with HT Thermal Storage for Heating Water and DHW Heater (In one package). This is one unit multipurpose in the boiler room. It has independent control of Water Heating, Domestic Hot Water and Glycol ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Electric Steam Superheaters are available for use with steam boilers as auxiliary pieces of equipment. Our superheaters are all custom-made and built to meet the specific design requirements of each application. A superheater increases the temperature of the steam but does not increase the latent heat of evaporation. ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The ACME-SLIM packages represent 40 years of experience in electric heating, temperature control, and manufacture of large integrated package ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
Acme electric hot water boilers are economical units that deliver maximum kilowatts in minimum space requirements. Ideal for new boiler applications or as a replacement unit to upgrade existing applications. This model takes up less floor area and fits through smaller openings than oil or gas-fired units. Easy and economical to install, available in sizes from 9 KW to 2600 KW at all common ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
A compact, reliable source of steam for space and process heating, these immersion element boilers are virtually 100% energy efficient. They are completely packaged boilers ideally suited for applications requiring from 30 to more than 10,000 pounds of steam per hour. ACME Steam Generators are based on more than half a century of accumulated experience in the electric heating field. Easy and ...
Manufactured by Muntersbased in USA
VariMax IFRG combines Des Champs Products heat-exchanger design with indirect heating technologies to deliver contaminant-free process air with very high efficiency. Recirculation of the combustion gases allows the heater to attain an efficiency of 90%, 1,000°F (555°C) temperature rise, 1,200°F (649°C) discharge temperature, and a 40:1 ...
Manufactured by Evapco Inc.based in USA
The Evapcold packaged chiller product line consists of 50 models. Each is completely self-contained and has a very low ammonia charge of less than 1.0 lb per TR. Evapcold units come with several optional features and accessories that make them a truly innovative solution for your refrigeration needs. The chiller provides a chilled secondary fluid (glycol) to the refrigeration load, which ...
Manufactured by Hanna Instruments, Incbased in USA
Sulfate is present in natural water in varying concentations. Sulfate concentration is kept within strict (low) levels for drinking water and in the production of beverages, as it has an effect on the taste and odor of the liquids. Sulfate is often added to certain types of boilers to help precipitate calcium and magnesium and to inhibit scaling. On the other hand, too much Sulfate can be ...
Manufactured by Muntersbased in USA
The VariMax™ OTH (Once-Through Heater) is a high efficiency, industrial, indirect-fired gas heater used to heat process air streams without contaminating the air with the products of combustion. The OTH is well-suited for recirculating ovens, dryers, makeup-air applications in cold environments, and industrial processes with moderate temperature rises. The counterflow configuration, ...
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