Energy Auditing Downloads

22 downloads found
  • Dent - Model 20-A - Hinged Current Transformers - Sensors for Energy Metering - Brochure

    DENT Mini and Midi Hinged current transformers are high-performance hinged current sensors designed for use in energy metering, load survey, demand metering, energy audits, and submetering applications. They are ideal where space is limited, such as when metering multiple loads within an electrical panel. Ferrule CT leads are compatible with ELITEpro Series energy data loggers and PowerScout ...

  • Classic - Model E2C-CT-1PH - Wireless Energy Monitor with USB Brochure

    Keep track of your electricity usage in real time, in a sophisticated way. The E2 Classic comes with the Elink Energy Management Software, which will enable you to export data, analyse it and learn how you can save money. It's the perfect product to perform quick home energy ...

  • Reduce Energy Consumption with a Delphin System - Application Note

    Energy costs run high for facilities in every industrial sector. Regardless of size, businesses and organizations are looking to reduce energy consumption to cut costs and achieve regulatory compliance with carbon targets. No matter your industry, energy management is a potential source of significant savings which improves profitability. To supply you with the measurement equipment you need for ...

  • Extech - Model MO290-EK - Energy Audit Kit - Datasheet

    The MO290-EK is a Kit that gives you four powerful tools for energy auditing. Monitor airflow, moisture levels, and provides inspection equipment to find energy loss. Comes with the MO290 Pinless Moisture Psychrometer plus Infrared Thermometer, AN200 - CFM/CMM Mini Thermo-Anemometer plus Infrared Thermometer, CO250 Portable Indoor Air Quality CO2 Meter/Data logger and BR200 Video ...

  • Breeze - Wind Resource Monitoring System Brochure

    Wind resource monitoring system to manage wind measurement campaigns. Lower uncertainty with quality data. High quality wind data is the foundation for all wind energy projects. Wind resource assessment can be split into two different and important tasks: wind monitoring and wind analysis. Wind monitoring is a highly repetitive, though essential task, which can be a burden for over-qualified wind ...

  • Energy Now EXPO 2015 Brochure

    Find out where renewable energy is going...Showcase your products and services to over 3,000 farmers and landowners from across the UKTelford International Centre 11-12 February @energynowmag ASSOCIATION WITHSUPPORTED BYSPONSORED BY“Without a doubt this is the leading event in the country for renewable energy”Ian Burrow ...

  • Steam Turbines Brochure

    Your Partner in Power IndustryCompany Profile G – Team a.s. Equipment for power and heat generation About G-Team, a.s. .....................................................3Fields of application .....................................................4Micro Steam Turbines .................................................5Control valves ...

  • Green-e Energy pdf

    Green-e Energy is the nation’s leading certification program for renewable energy. For over a decade, Green-e Energy has provided oversight for voluntary renewable energy transactions in the United States.Renewable energy is the futureGreen-e Energy is important because it provides assurances to consumers and businesses that they are reducing the environmental impact of their electricity use. ...

    By Green-e

  • EnergyFlow CXL- Brochure

    The EnergyFlow-CXL provides web-based, real-time monitoring and display of electricity use, both on an envelope level and specific sub-metered loads on a granular basis. Studies have consistently shown that the best way to conserve electricity use is to show people precisely how much they are using. With EnergyFlow CXL, custom-ers can track electricity use on a load-by-load basis for multiple ...

  • Energy Now EXPO 2014 Exhibitor Brochure

    Showcase your products and services to over 3000 farmers and landownersfrom across the held at Telford International Centre 12-13 February 2014SUPPORTED BYIN ASSOCIATION WITHSPONSORED #EnergyNow2 and landowners are ideally placed to generate renewable energy, due to the resources at their disposal, ...

  • Oil Feed Pipes Brochure

    Designed to be robust and long lasting, oil-fired appliancesare some of the most efficient you can get. There’s a hugechoice of floor standing or wall mounted boilers, most ofwhich are suitable for installation inside domestic premises.Condensing appliancesFrom 1st April 2008 in the Republic of Ireland, all new andreplacement oil boilers must have a minimum seasonalHARP efficiency of 86%. That ...

  • Display Energy Certificates-Broucher

    Display Energy Certificates Environment & Sustainability National Design Consultancy | 0121 362 8800 b NDC undertake energy assessments and produce Display Energy Certificates (DECs) in line with current legislation. DEC Legislation In October 2008, the UK government introduced new legislation regulating the energy performance of Public Buildings. ...

  • H2ecO Brochure

    FRONT COVERBACK COVERVisit:www.h2-eco.comMonday to Friday 8.30am until 4.30pm:01202 918 486Out of office hours call:07921 040 932Unit 3a Glenmore Business Park Holton Heath Poole Dorset BH16 6NLBUILDING A CLEANER, GREENER, LOWER COST FUTUREDORSET’S ONE STOP RENEWABLE ENERGY SPECIALISTSwww.h2-eco.comINSIDE FRONT COVER (Page 1) PAGE 21 2H2ecO is an environmentally focused company with a passion ...

    By H2ecO

  • ECO Energies - Pre-EnergyAudit Presentation

    ECO ENERGIESPre-EnergyAudit Presentation Energy Audit: StagesEnergy Audit: Types (2 Types)Detailed Energy Audit – Plant/SiteAssessment of BoilersSteam Distribution SystemAir compressorsMotorsPumpsD G SetsTransformersAssessment of CapacitorsCooling TowersHeat ExchangersHVACsLightening SystemPower Quality AnalysisAssessment of electricity Tariff planAreas covered under Electrical Audit are ...

  • ITP Overview - Brochure

    Excellence in sustainable energy and climate change consultingConsulting • Engineering • ImplementationGLOBAL REACHEstablished in the UK in 1981 as IT Power, ITP now has a global network of offices in Africa, Australia, China, India and Latin America, in addition to its HQ in Bristol and offices in London. The company has delivered more than 1,500 projects in over 120 countries.TEAM OF ...

  • EnergentET - Energy Targeting Brochure

    Energy Targeting ProgramWhen pursuing deeper cuts in energy costs, how do you evaluate efficiency measures and choose the best way forward? EnergentET creates a powerful context for data analysis, giving you clarity and insight for strategic energy decisions.Sharpen Your FocusEnergentET is a real-time energy monitoring and targeting (M&T) solution that incorporates powerful statistical energy ...

  • Eatons Electrical Services and Systems at your service

    At your serviceEaton’s Electrical Services & SystemsDesign, build, support. Eaton’s missionDesign—Engineering and consulting services focus on understanding your require-ments and setting strategies for your power system in order to satisfy your business needsBuild—Modernization and turnkey power system services deploy personnel in the field to complete projects, whether upgrading an ...

  • Eatons Electrical Services And Systems At Your Service Brochure

    At your service Eaton’s Electrical Services & Systems Design, build, support. Eaton’s mission Design—Engineering and consulting services focus on understanding your require- ments and setting strategies for your power system in order to satisfy your business needs Build—Modernization and turnkey power system services deploy personnel in the field to complete projects, whether ...

  • RTS Energy Management Information System (EMIS) Brochure

    RTS Energy Management Information System (EMIS)RTS Consulting  Inc. (RTS) assists organizations develop energy reduction strategies, which foster a competitive and profitable business advantage.Your Competitive AdvantageRTS has developed the Energy Management Information System (RTS EMIS), to corporately address one of today’s most critical issues: Energy Management. During these trying economic t ...

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