Energy Industry Product Applications
Gas monitoring during industrial process
EM-5 CEMS Coal power plant: Entrance of SCR denitration device, NOx O2 Exit of SCR denitration device: Measure remanet NH3 after reaction and avoid blocking by crystallization, NH3; Calculate denitrification rate with Nox input, NOx O2 Gas-fired power plant: Counting tail gas emission and realtime concentration, NOx O2 SO2 Temperature pressure flow dust ...
By Hangzhou Chunlai Technology CO., Ltd. based in Hangzhou, CHINA.
Wear management solutions for boiler tubes and walls sector
Superior tube protection: For decades, Castolin Eutectic has been the provider of choice for service, repair and preventive maintenance of heavy-duty and industrial process equipment. In power generation, protecting your industrial process equipment, boilers, tubes and walls from future corrosion and erosion, while also extending your tubes’ useful life is vital to your operation’s bottom line. With LaserClad, you can experience more reliability and better across-the-board performance with a new, ...
By Castolin Eutectic GmbH based in Kriftel, GERMANY.
Air pollution control solution for bio mass refining and fuel gasification industry
Renewable fuels and alternative energy has looked too wet scrubbing to control acid gasses and particulates for an even greener ...
By CR Clean Air Group, LLC based in Parsippany, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Environmental Monitoring for the Energy Industry
By Optical Scientific Inc. (OSi) based in Gaithersburg, MARYLAND (USA).
Electronic fuel control valves solutions for renewables industry
The growing awareness and use of biomass and hydrogen as renewable energy sources is critical to future energy growth. CCC technology has been used for years to enable stable engine operation using biogas that can vary greatly in quality. The advanced designs of the CCC embedded fuel valve controls allows seamless operation with all forms of renewable gas, including blended fuel ...
By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Dosimetry Management Solutions for Dosimetry in the Nuclear Industry
Dosimetry management aims to supervise the radiation dose received by workers in controlled areas in nuclear power plants and also in all types of industries exposed to ...
By Bertin Technologies based in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, FRANCE.
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels industry
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels ...
By Challenge Technology based in Springdale, ARKANSAS (USA).
Soil moisture monitoring solution for solar power industry
Delta-T Devices solar radiation measurement instruments are well suited to scientific research, meteorological applications, and commercial photovoltaic validation/monitoring. Our range includes the SPN1 Sunshine Pyranometer and BF5 Sunshine Sensor – both of which measure global (total) and diffuse radiation, and sunshine state (all in a single instrument). They are also easy to use and need no routine adjustment or polar ...
By Delta-T Devices Ltd. based in Burwell, UNITED KINGDOM.
Evaporators for Power Industry
EVALED evaporators treat or minimize wastewater from the Power Generation Industry. Flue gas desulfurization effluents require different kinds of treatments depending on the type of fuel, water sources, and environmental regulations. Coal, Gas, Solar, Nuclear. Wastewater treatment for a more sustainable power ...
By EVALED - Evaporator - Veolia Water Technologies Italia Spa based in Zoppola (PN), ITALY.
Gas detection in energy industry
Gas detection requirements for power generation can vary widely based on the fuel source, which includes coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear. Regardless of the type of power facility, gas, fire and other hazards pose significant risk to employee safety and also can disrupt the supply of energy to commercial and residential customers. At Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection, our wide range of gas detection products meets the needs of all forms of power generation. Our century of experience, combined with advanced system ...
By Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection based in Arras Cedex, FRANCE.
Machine condition monitoring for power gen & industrial
Machine condition monitoring using oil analysis is a predictive maintenance solution for industrial environments. An oil analysis program allows for reduction in unexpected failures and costly downtime for manufacturing components such as gears, pumps, compressors, engines, bearings, hydraulic systems, and other ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Wind power solutions for complex terrain wind shear analysis sector
Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep ...
By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Electronic fuel control valves solutions for power generation industry
Power generation is one of the most important markets in any modern economy. The power generation industry involves both producing power and distributing it efficiently throughout its network. The relentless pursuit of technology innovations has existed from day one and CCC has always been a leader with the introduction of digital electronic controls. We continue to invest in R&D to maintain the most advanced line of fuel products to meet the toughest emissions around the ...
By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Biogas and nitrate removal plants solutions for biomasses for Advanced biofuel industry
Production Study Biomasses for Advanced Biofuel: Do you want to develop a biomethane plant? All the biomasses listed below are valid for the achievement of the incentive tranche (Double ...
By Eliopig S.r.l. based in Manerbio, ITALY.
Safe and biodegradable specialty cleaning chemicals for utilities industry
By Apex Engineering Products Corporation based in Aurora, ILLINOIS (USA).
Piping & ducting solutions for the power generation industry
The generation and distribution of electricity consists of processes such as power stations, power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity retailing. PROCO Products has an inventory of check valves and expansion joints that are suitable for power generation industries, and can handle the stresses and pressures that are a normal part of the process. PROCO operates worldwide, and maintains one of the largest product inventories in North ...
By Proco Products, Inc. based in Stockton, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Wind power solutions for network wind measurement in complex mountains sector
Programme overview: The conventional wind profile monitoring is mainly based on multi beam inversion calculation. The premise of measurement is that the horizontal wind field is uniform, while the horizontal wind field on the underlying surface of mountainous and urban complex terrain is uneven, especially near the ground. Therefore, in the detection of complex underlying surface, complex algorithm is often used to eliminate the turbulent data. However, the virtual tower (VT) technology, based on the cooperative ...
By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Water Treatment Equipments for Power Industry
Drought in association with competing uses for clean water are continuing to challenge power generation facilities worldwide. In addition to this fact, power generation companies face additional challenges including finding innovative ways to be more operationally efficient while meeting tighter environmental standards and ...
By Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. based in Maitland, FLORIDA (USA).
Commodity trading and risk management software solutions for bio-fuels industry
Unify critical workflows to make better decisions in the dynamic biofuels market. Global demand for biofuels is set to increase due to factors such as government policies, overall transport fuel demand, and specific policy designs. However, the introduction of biofuels also presents risks in raw material management. The complex supply chain, including biomass production, pre-treatment, storage, and conversion, along with challenges like tracking credits, price fluctuations due to blending, competition for ...
By Eka Software Solutions Private Limited based in Bengaluru, INDIA.
Activated carbon solutions for biogas treatment industry
Activated carbon solutions for biogas treatment ...
By Silcarbon Aktivkohle GmbH based in Kirchhundem, GERMANY.
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