Energy Services Books
World Energy Outlook 2013
In a world where big differences in regional energy prices impact competitiveness, who are the potential winners and losers? Huge volumes of oil are needed to meet growing demand and offset declines in existing fields. Where will it all come from? What could trigger a rapid convergence in natural gas prices between Asia, Europe and North America, and how would it affect energy markets? Is the ...
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design
Air quality is deteriorating, the globe is warming, and petroleum resources are decreasing. The most promising solutions for the future involve the development of effective and efficient drive train technologies. This comprehensive volume meets this challenge and opportunity by integrating the wealth of disparate information found in scattered papers and research. Modern Electric, Hybrid ...
Electrical Insulating Materials: International Issues
The latest in electrical insulating materials is presented in 16 papers addressing four major areas: standards, properties of electrical insulating fluids, fire properties, and electrical issues. Standards address the history of ASTM Committee D-9 on Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and D-27 on Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases and their respective roles in the electrical ...
Engineering Dielectrics: Electrical Properties of Solid Insulating Materials Measurement Techniques
Fight chapters describe testing procedures suitable for the measurement of dielectric properties of solid insulating materials. They explain why dielectric measurements are made, their specialized uses, and their ...
Energy for a Warming World
Energy for a Warming World challenges the commonplace notion that the amount of power which mankind can potentially harness from renewable resources is more than large enough to assuage future demand levels. The presumption of unlimited power from renewables does not take into account the fact that it may not be possible to fully develop this potential, or that the resulting energy may not be ...
Energy Efficiency
ENERGY EFFICIENCY uses an applied scientific methodology and case studies to demonstrate and support: The need for the U.S. and the world to commit to energy and resource efficiency as the central goal in investing in electric, heat, and cooling infrastructure, the huge economic opportunity for using the inefficiency built into 20th century energy supply systems, especially, electric, to pay for ...
Combined Heating, Cooling & Power Handbook: Technologies & Applications, 2nd Edition
In today's energy market and public policy environment, economic gains can be achieved by making sound energy and environmental efficiency decisions. This book serves as a "how-to" manual for applying energy and environmental efficiency technologies to create high-performance environments and to improve profitability. The book has four main parts:Part 1: Theory and Technologyincludes an ...
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
The objective of our journal is to produce peer-reviewed, authenticated research papers on various theoretical as well as applied disciplines of Electrical and Electronics Engineering prepared by scholars and researchers all across the world. Our journal does not just concern the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering but also includes all the scopes that are mildly or completely related ...
The Virtual Utility
The virtual utility (VU) is a flexible collaboration of independent, market-driven entities that provide efficient energy service demanded by consumers without necessarily owning the corresponding assets. The VU becomes a metaphor for lean, flexible electricity production/delivery and flexible, customer-oriented energy service provision. Experience in manufacturing suggests that ...
Global Energy Demand in Transition: The New Role of Electricity
Foreseeable Expansion of the Global Market for Electricity: U.S. World Electric Generation Forecast (T.F. Garrity). Environmental Impacts of Electricity Production (R. Wilson). Factors that Drive the Evolution of the Market Shares of Energy Sources: Issues Related to the Growth of Electricity in Global Energy Demand (M. Alonso). Forecast of the Global Electricity Market (A. Langmo, C. ...
Report 4300: Energy Efficiency & Demand Response
Report 4300: Energy Efficiency & Demand Response explores the policy and market drivers that animate the EE&DR industry today. We pay particular attention to the new and emerging business models that have built DR services into a $370 million market from virtually nothing 10 years ago. We examine the strategies of utilities and their consultants to leverage DR and EE to mitigate their ...
Light, Water, Hydrogen
The development of a direct, inexpensive, and efficient method for converting solar energy into a portable, clean fuel would allow elimination of the growing problems associated with the ever increasing use of fossil fuels and the reality of their rapid depletion. As the title suggests, Light, Water, Hydrogen: The Solar Generation of Hydrogen by Water Photoelectrolysis, considers the ...
Electrical Engineering Journal
This journal is designed for the electrical engineering industry and publishes the latest research results on the design and utilization of new types of equipment for that industry and on ways of improving the efficiency of existing ...
No-regret Potentials in Energy Conservation
The climate change debate has stimulated a controversy on the existence and size of potentials to reduce energy consumption at an economic benefit, so-called no-regret potentials. This book develops a theoretical evaluation framework with particular focus on transaction costs and real option theory. The resulting typology of no-regret potentials serves to re-evaluate the no-regret potential ...
Engineering Interrelated Electricity Markets
Due to the characteristics of electricity, power markets rank among the most complex markets operated at present. The requirements of an environmentally sustainable, economically efficient, and secure energy supply have resulted in the emergence of several interrelated markets that have to be carefully engineered in order to ensure efficient market outcomes. This book presents an agent-based ...
Submarine Power Cables
The demand for high-performance submarine power cables is increasing as more and more offshore wind parks are installed, and the national electric grids are interconnected. Submarine power cables are installed for the highest voltages and power to transport electric energy under the sea between islands, countries and even continents. The installation and operation of submarine power cables is ...
Micro Cogeneration
The introduction of micro CHP – the simultaneous production of heat and power in an individual building based on small energy conversion units such as Stirling and reciprocating engines or fuel cells – is of increasing political and public interest. A large-scale introduction of micro CHP would radically change the electricity system and turn consumers into power producers. At the same time, ...
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