Flares Articles & Analysis
Project - Gas Flaring in the Niger Delta and the West African Gas Pipeline (2004-2005)
E-Tech International produced two documents that evaluated the potential for eliminating gas-flaring in the Niger Delta. The first, completed in September 2004 for Friends of the Earth, analyzed the relationship of gas-flaring to the West African Gas Pipeline project. The second, released in September 2004 for the Climate Justice Programme in UK, focused on the feasibility of reinjection of gas ...
Biogas Power Plant, Israel - Case Study
In December 2019 Dordtech has finalized and delivered a project for a containerized 1MWe biogas CHP system in Tel Yosef. This is one of the first large capacity biogas CHP installations for biogas in ...
By Dordtech
Project - Biogas Plant Bio-Energy Bardowick
Location: Bardowick Lower Sacsonie Germany Plant Capacity: 36,500 t/a Fresh Substrate Realization: 2012-2013 Substrate: Food Waste from Super Market, Restaurants and Canteen, Food Industry Waste, Market Waste, Slaughter House Waste, ETP Sludge, Used Oil, Expired Food and brewery Process: 2 steps mesophilic process. Entire Capsuled plant with: Reception Areas for all Bin size , ...
By Saaf Energy
Project - Biogas plant Bio-Energy Lunen (Dortmund)
Location: Lünen Germany Plant Capacity: 70,000 t/a Fresh Substrate Realization: 2010 (Realized in 9 Month incl. Permit) Substrate: Energy Crops and plants Cow and Pig Slurry Different Manure Process: Single steps mesophilic process. Reception Silo and Tanks Full automatic Feeding System 2 Digesters (Total Volume 12.200m³) Storage of Digestat products Biogas ...
By Saaf Energy
How an Australian environmental coastal restoration project was kept on track using Acoem Eagle condition monitoring
Acoem has been providing condition monitoring and maintenance solutions to a major civil contracting company in South Australia for close to a decade. When the company needed assistance with a longstanding issue it was experiencing with its pumping equipment on an environmental restoration project, commissioning an Eagle wireless system was the answer. Structural damage to critical machinery ...
Eramet Norway Launches Pilot Plant Utilising Furnace Gas and Hydrogen - Case Study
Furnace gas power plant supported by Enova’s Industrial Pilot Program Recovery and utilisation of furnace gas from ferromanganese processing plant (previously flared) Supporting Eramet’s CSR strategy to reduce CO2 emissions of outgoing products by 25% per ton by 2023 In 2019, Eramet Norway launched a new project to improve its climate footprint using furnace gas for an energy ...
Telecommunications Industry: Improving Energy Efficiency [Case Study - Ooredoo]
The communications sector continues to grow every year, driven by the societal need to be connected at all times and to have access to information in real-time. In the UK, the sector keeps 68.9 million inhabitants connected to the world. In 2020, the revenue generated by British telecommunications amounted to £31 billion. Every day, telecommunications providers try to improve their ...
Curious facts about the Sun: Sunspots, solar storms and how they affect the Earth
Sunspots are among the many curious and mysterious aspects of the Sun. They are areas that concentrate large amounts of energy and the site of solar storms whose effects reach our planet and can have potentially harmful ...
From Predicting Adherence to Health Outcomes – The Power of Predictive Insights
Clinical researchers have begun adopting predictive analytics to anticipate a patient’s engagement in a clinical trial, including if and how a patient will adhere to their treatment plan. As these models are fed more patient-level audio and visual data, they have the potential to open up a whole new world of a patient’s lived experience – from how a patient will respond to their ...
By AiCure
ORC System for Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas The ORC systems of Zuccato Energia allow the production of electricity up to 500 kW by recovering the waste heat from the Oil & Gas plants. Applications: It is possible to recover heat from each hot source present on the site: the hot water from the oil extraction, the fumes deriving from flaring, the thermal waste from the refineries, and the engines located in the natural ...
Enclosed Flare Abates Waste Acid Gas for Midstream Amine Facility
Initial Operating IssueA midstream gas processing facility was evaluating the purchase and installation of new air pollution control equipment to intermittently treat waste acid gas exhaust from one of their amine units located in New Mexico. During normal plant operation, this waste acid gas exhaust stream containing Hydrogen Sulfide, CO2, Methane and other VOCs was compressed and injected into ...
Horizontal Enclosed Flare Abates Hydrocarbons from Recycling Process
Synopsis A large Recycling Facility in North Carolina wanted to consolidate its waste streams of nine (9) Phase Separation System reactors into one (1) thermal oxidizer for hydrocarbon abatement. Initial Operating Issue The ensuing abatement system needed to operate in a fully automated manner while providing a 99% (or greater) total hydrocarbon and non-methane hydrocarbon destruction rate. The ...
Permianchain Miner: A Mining Pool Aggregator With An Integrated Digital Energy Marketplace For Crypto-Asset Miners
PermianChain Miner, part of the PermianChain platform, offers bitcoin and other cryptocurrency miners tokenized energy. This allows miners access to consistent, low-cost electricity that is generated on site at energy projects, mainly on natural gas production sites. It is an environmentally responsible solution to the problem of flared natural gas which is thought to represent around US$16 ...
Element Properties: 1-7 atomic number
HYDROGEN Atomic symbol: H Atomic weight: 1.00794 Atomic number: 1 Electron configuration: 1 Oxidation states: ±1 State of matter: gas Alkali metal Discovered in 1790 by Henry Cavendish Boils at-252.8°C, melts at-259.14°C Notes: Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can be flammable or explosive when mixed with air, oxygen, and chlorine. Hydrogen is not ...
Crypto`s quest for power - bridging the crypto-mining and natural gas sectors
The last few months have changed a great many things in a great many ways. Industries of all kinds have been struggling in ways that they could not have foreseen, but one sector that seems to continue to thrive is crypto-mining and the crypto asset market. The challenge is that as crypto [or digital assets] rise in prominence and value, its appetite for power grows. If only there was a potential ...
Q1 2021 Permianchain Outlook with Mohamed El-Masri, Founder & Ceo
What stage has PermianChain reached? PermianChain is built around four blocks that perform different functions and support the different user groups we are aiming to support. These foundation blocks are: PermianChain Investor, PermianChain Dealer, PermianChain Supplier and PermianChain Miner. As we come into 2021, all four blocks are around 99% complete and our target is to have them ready for ...
East Bay Municipal Utility District - 11-MW CHP System - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Oakland, California MARKET SECTOR: Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) FACILITY SIZE: 65 million gallons per day FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 10 megawatts (MW) EQUIPMENT: 4.6-MW Solar Turbines Mercury 50™ gas turbine and 3 x 2.1-MW Enterprise engines FUEL: Digester gas USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Digester heating CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 80% ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Methane ...
22.8 MWe - Mobile Power Unit Majnoon Oil Field - Case Study
OWNER/OPERATOR: South Oil Company (SOC) END USER NAME: Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V (SIPD) PROJECT ENGINEERING: Petrofac CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.§ PRODUCTS SOLD: Four 5.7 MWe Taurus 60 Mobile Power Units CUSTOMER VALUE: Long-Term Cost Efficiency and Flare Gas Reduction The Iraqi Ministry of Oil awarded Shell (lead operator), Petronas and Missan a ...
Some Thoughts Regarding GPR/ UWB and True Multi-frequency (impulse) GPR
Reading some of the marketing literature out here on the web, I recalled a discussion I had with my buddies as a child. We were jumping from trees, roofs, and whatever we could climb up on, as kids normally do, rubbing our knees and elbows. Now, jumping from high heights caused more pain, that we found out swiftly. So, we discussed at length why people who died in aircraft accidents didn’t ...
Multi-frequency GPR
Some Thoughts Regarding GPR/ UWB and True Multi-frequency (impulse) GPR Reading tome of the marketing literature out here on the web, I recalled a discussion i had with my buddies as a child We were jumping from trees, roofs, and whatever we could climb up on, as tads normally do, rubbing our knees and elbows Now, jumping from high heights caused more pam. that we found out swiftly. So. we ...
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