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Gas Turbine Performance Equipment & Supplies

20 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Stamicarbon
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Nitric acid is an important chemical compound, with about 80% of total production dedicated for application in the fertilizer industry. Now, the challenge is: how to design a nitric acid plant with maximum energy recovery and lowest investment costs, which meets even the most stringent environmental standards? ...

  • based in USA

    The 9E gas turbine is GE's robust and proven 50 Hz workhorse. With more than 600 units shipped, it has accumulated over 23 million hours of utility and industrial service-often in arduous climates ranging from desert heat and tropical humidity to arctic cold. 9E gas turbine systems are also designed for reliable operation and minimal maintenance at a competitively low installed cost. The 9E gas ...

  • Manufactured by IHI Corporation
    based in JAPAN

    LM6000 is a simple-cycle, 2-shaft, high performance gas turbine derived from the core of GE’s reliable air craft engine, CF6-80C2. CF6-80C2 has logged more than 76,500,000 operational flight hours, a 99.97% dispatch reliability, and commercial aviation’s lowest shop visit ...

  • Manufactured by Braden Group
    based in USA

    With over 4,500 units installed worldwide Braden’s Gas Turbine Air and Exhaust Gas Handling equipment forms integral parts of a power generation system. Our products enable and manage the “clean” airflow of the system allowing clean power to be generated worldwide. ...

  • Manufactured by Bellows Systems Inc
    based in USA

    Aftermarket Exhaust and inlet expansion joints for Solar Gas Turbines. At Bellows Systems, we manufacture gas turbine exhaust expansion joints able to withstand high-temperature exhaust gases generated at high flow velocity such as the one created inside a Gas Turbine Exhaust System. We currently carry Exhaust Expansion Joints for almost all models and variants of Solar Gas Turbines models ...

  • based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    PBS also participates in the projects of other companies. As a leading manufacturer of steam and expansion turbines and industrial boilers, it supplies its products along with the necessary and extra accessories as a subcontractor for projects around the ...

  • based in NORWAY

    Generates additional electricity while capturing 95%+ CO2 from exhaust gases. Replaces the traditional steam cycle. Reduces complexity. Introduces carbon capture as a revenue source. Generate additional electricity while capturing 95%+ CO2 from exhaust gases of open cycle gas turbines. Replace the traditional steam cycle, Reduce complexity, Capture carbon dioxide! ...

  • Manufactured by Expander Tech S.L.
    based in SPAIN

    In the case there are heat sources with very low temperatures, above 90 °C, the Rank® LT1 machine allow their use through electric generation, with an electric generation up to 20 kWe The electrical generation is complemented with the possibility of using the heat produced in the condenser at temperatures up to 50 ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Trusted F-class technology for reliable performance. Simple cycle power generation (ISO), 385 MW(e), Combined cycle efficiency: 62%, Robust gas turbine with extensive fleet ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    With the “HLT-100 compact” hot air turbine, electricity can be generated with a wood firing system from a thermal offtake of 300 kW. Due to their complexity and maintenance requirements, other systems – such as ORC systems or steam turbines – only become worthwhile as large-scale systems with a thermal capacity above 2 MW. In many cases, heat offtake all year round cannot ...

  • Manufactured by Solidus Industries
    based in AUSTRALIA

    ZOK 27 is a powerful water-based gas turbine compressor cleaner and corrosion inhibitor. Originally developed for the UK Ministry of Defence over 40 years ago, ZOK 27 is used all over the world today within the Aviation, Marine, Power Generation, Oil and Gas and Industrial sectors. Regular on-line and off-line washing with ZOK 27 produces outstanding results in gas turbine engine performance: ...

  • Manufactured by G-Team, a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Micro turbines up to the capacity of 3 MW. Steam turbines up to the capacity of 10 MW. Turbines with overhung impeller. Turbines with the impeller between the bearings. Turbines with a frequency converter. Multi-stage turbines. Gas expansion turbines. Cogeneration ...

  • Manufactured by Selnikel
    based in TURKEY

    Selnikel provides complete design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning services for the water tube and smoke tube type waste heat recovery boilers. Waste heat boilers can be designed with single or double pass. HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generation) systems are installed behind gas turbines and furnaces. Selnikel waste heat boiler system is an optimal solution for plants aiming to decrease ...

  • Manufactured by Braden Group
    based in USA

    The Innova anti-icing system prevents frost and ice formation on inlet components to protect the gas turbine, and prevent pressure drop buildup. Icing can damage blades, filter elements and other vital parts even in temperatures above freezing—ice crystals form at less than 40⁰F and greater than 50% relative ...

  • based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    ETG I and ETG II expansion turbines are used for energy efficient reduction of gas pressure in the control and transmission stations of gas pipelines and in chemical ...

  • Manufactured by Braden Group
    based in USA

    Gas turbine and engine exhausts produce high levels of noise, rapid and extreme heat build-up and turbulent fuel flow. That's why you need a proven exhaust system that meets the most stringent of noise regulations while surviving under the stress of a harsh ...

  • based in CANADA

    GT inlet heating or anti-icing systems using recovered heat from the turbine exhaust, providing even distribution of the heated air over the face of the inlet filter to prevent filter and ducting from icing with extremely low inlet and exhaust pressure drops as well as high turbine performance. Results show that our Anti-icing systems have a larger power output for gas turbine peak-performance ...

  • based in NORWAY

    Open-cycle gas turbines and reciprocating engines are fast-starting, flexible power generators, but they emit large quantities of high-grade heat which is currently ...

  • Manufactured by PBS Group, a.s
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    ETG I and ETG II expansion turbines are used for energy efficient reduction of gas pressure in the control and transmission stations of gas pipelines and in chemical ...

  • Manufactured by Amot
    based in USA

    The 8402G Fuel Valve System is a balanced rotary valve with an electric stepper-motor actuator. This high performance gas turbine fuel control valve with fast operation speed and large turn down ratio is designed for reliable an efficient control of any gas ...

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