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Heat Exchangers Services

144 services found
  • Manufactured by Gen2WTE
    based in USA

    Microgrids provide efficient, low-cost, clean energy, enhance local resiliency, and supports the operations and stability of the regional electric grid. They provide dynamic responsiveness unprecedented for an energy resource. Engineering services provide support to environmentally challenging power and/or fuel applications. The Design parameters are consistent with best available control ...

  • based in USA

    Manufacturing, Prototyping, and Component Design Services; Free Hot Water’s engineering services include designing, manufacturing, and assembling crucial solar thermal components, such as pump stations, heat exchangers, and manifolds. For quick prototyping, we use our own tool set, including 4 axis CNC mills, manual lathes, grinders, and polishers. Because we offer design and prototyping, ...

  • Manufactured by ANYTHERM AG
    based in SWAZILAND

    The target is to operate a process at required throughput and product quality with minimum energy, resource requirements and emissions. In industry, often more than half of the energy is used for heating and cooling processes. It is therefore important to analyze these processes more closely and optimize them in terms of energy consumption, (CO2) emissions, as well as investment and operating ...

  • based in USA

    Throughout Regatta Solutions’ history, we have commissioned more Combined Heat and Power (CHP) projects than any other company in California. That’s a bold statement to make, but our results speak for themselves. Regatta Solutions has a 13-year track record for being the #1 company to commission over 60 successful CHP clients and experience with hundreds of successful CHP systems ...

  • Manufactured by Heat Management
    based in SWEDEN

    Some fouling issues are related to poorly distributed flue gas flow. An uneven distribution may also result in increased gas velocity in some parts, which can lead to erosion and rapid wear of heat transfer surfaces, SCR elements etc. Heat transfer in heat exchangers is also depending on flow distribution. In ESPs the distribution of the flue gas is a challenge demanding accurate design of inlet ...

  • Manufactured by Stonemill AB
    based in SWEDEN

    What if something goes wrong? As in all industrial processes, it can happen. The key is cooperation – between the end-user, the system supplier and Stonemill. High VOC emissions from the chimney could have many reasons one might be leaking heat exchanger, if so a new catalyst won’t solve the problem, but will only cost you more money! We act promptly when troubleshooting is required, ...

  • Energy Exchanger Company has one of the best engineering departments in our industry. We are staffed with the most knowledgeable, talented and helpful people anywhere. Each of our engineers has earned their bachelor degree in engineering from ABET accredited schools and they have a combined fifty-five years in heat exchanger design. Our engineering manager sits on the TEMA technical committee and ...

  • Manufactured by Wilk-Graphite GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Our service starts with the design and layout of the graphite equipment in our offers. Naturally we take the warranties for the thermodynamic design as well as the mechanical performance. After installation we will be partners for maintenance and cleaning of the heat exchanger if required. We have set ...

  • Manufactured by APL Apparatebau GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    APL stands for high flexibility and transparency of planning for the customer. Both of our sites take advantages of short routes. Constant contact between management, sales, purchasing, the technical department and production ensures that things run smoothly and to the customer’s satisfaction. Our goal is to help our clients in order for us to both be successful in the ...

  • Manufactured by Noren Thermal Inc.
    based in USA

    Noren manufacturing capabilities include design and engineering, manufacturing of custom thermal solutions including: Heat pipes, thermal pins, heat sinks and custom heat exchangers. Additional in-house capabilities include: on site testing facilities and machine ...

  • Magnus Global Tech Successfully Completed HRSG Modeling as well as analysis for 2 pressure vessel Heat Recovery Steam Generator Description, A heat recovery steam generator or HRSG is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a steam turbine, Job specifications: • Input for the Project ...

  • based in DENMARK

    Weel & Sandvig use the following software tools as support : WS-Pinch: in house pinch analysis software. WS-Hen-Explorer: In house heat exchanger network optimization. WS-WTE-design: In house design software for grate fired biomass or Waste to energy plants. WS-WTE: Inhouse software for dynamic simulation of power and WTE plants, including control system. Openfoam/Simflow: Commersiel CFD ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Biomass boilers are specialist pieces of equipment which need to be serviced by specialist engineers to ensure prolonged economic life and efficiency. We are able to service and maintain not only Ashwell Biomass supplied wood pellet, chip or log boilers, but any biomass boiler installation. All Ashwell Biomass service and commissioning engineers offer the highest level of experience and are fully ...

  • based in USA

    Corroded and leaky heat exchangers can be restored to original efficiency by Heat Exchange Applied Technology Inc. at a fraction of the cost of new units. Frequently, heat exchanger performance can be improved by optimizing with Heat Exchange Applied Technology Inc. custom finned tubing. Heat Exchange Applied Technology Inc. can provide new tubesheets, gasketing, and testing to specified ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Specialist engineering workshop Nakkilan Metalli Oy offers a full range of welding and plate work services in all ...

  • Distributed by GeoPro, Inc.
    based in USA

    Ground heat exchanger design can be a complicated process. But Reynold’s number, turbulence, flow balancing, thermal conductivity, diffusivity and unbalanced ground loads are technical terms that our engineers actually get excited to hear. ...

  • Manufactured by Aningas-Ergos S.A.
    based in SPAIN

    Global Service for boilers, fuel and industrial burners: Also available for boilers and systems from other ...

  • OMIES has served the oil and gas industry both offshore and onshore for many years. OMIES's knowledgeable staff knows the value of completing a project safely and on time. Pressure vessels, separators, heat exchangers, storage tanks, slop oil tanks and cutting boxes are just a few of the wide array of vessels and process equipment that OMIES is capable of ...

  • based in INDIA

    Renovation & efficiency improvement: Performance measurement and evaluation of efficiencies of the the cycle as a whole of turbine alone. Improvements in efficiency at component level or at complete cycle level that includes steam flow path (Bladding), heat exchangers and pumps by providing complete and design solutions. Turbine efficiency study and improvement ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    Vessel And Apparatus Construction; Reactors Storage tanks, Pressure vessels, Columns, Heat exchangers, ...

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