Heat Networks Service Providers
Service providerbased in Goteborg, SWEDEN
As Western Sweden's leading energy company, we provide our customers with energy services, broadband, district heating, cooling, natural gas and the electricity supply network. We aim to create energy solutions that are sustainable in the long ...
Ready Heat
For customers who cannot be connected to the district heating network there is a solution called Ready Heat, which is just as simple and convenient as district ...
Service providerbased in Bautzen, GERMANY
OBAG BioEnergy Anlagenbau GmbH was established in 2010 as an independent company within the Ostsächsische Baugesellschaft mbH (OBAG) group of companies. Thus, in an ideal manner, innovative technology coalesces with more than 60 years wealth of ...
Plant Construction Services
Plant construction, as Prime Contractor including planning services. Plant construction, as Prime Contractor in accordance with your planning. Tank construction. Optimisation and modification of existing plants . Biogas micro-grids. District heating ...
Service providerbased in Saint-André, FRANCE
Dalkia provides innovative solutions to support the sustainable growth of cities and businesses. We are a global leader in energy services. In an era of climate change, volatile energy prices and scarce resources, Dalkia offers its clients proven ...
Heating and Cooling Systems Solution
We manage 837 district and local heating or cooling systems worldwide, particularly in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. In general, we do not own the systems, but usually provide ...
Service providerbased in Tampere, FINLAND
AX Consulting comprises a group of four companies that began operations in the spring of 1993. The AX Consulting group of companies are AX-LVI Consulting Ltd, AX-Process Ltd, Axovaatio Ltd, and AX-Konsultit Ltd. The employees wholly own the ...
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