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Kinetic Energy Service Providers

2 companies found
  • GeothermieZentrumBochum e.V.  (GZB)
    Service provider
    based in Bochum, GERMANY

    The companies given below, hold competences in the planning, the realisation and the operation of geothermal energy systems. These companies have proven by an evaluation process (application form below) adequate practical experiences in their fields ...

  • OBAG BioEnergy Anlagenbau GmbH
    Service provider
    based in Bautzen, GERMANY

    OBAG BioEnergy Anlagenbau GmbH was established in 2010 as an independent company within the Ostsächsische Baugesellschaft mbH (OBAG) group of companies. Thus, in an ideal manner, innovative technology coalesces with more than 60 years wealth of ...

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