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Nuclear Energy Services

78 services found
  • based in USA

    Our program starts with completely cleaning and sterilizing the fuel and fuel tank, filtering the fuel to 5 microns, and adding a fuel treatment to increase cetane and lubricity of the fuel. Every quarter we monitor the fuel and fuel tanks to ensure they are in good condition. We back up our work with our unparalleled Warranty and Guarantee. If fuel gets dirty again for any reason whatsoever ...

  • Manufactured by Samshin Limited
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    Samshin Limited provides services for operation and maintenance of valves in nuclear power plants and thermal power plants such as : Commissioning of power operated valves. Performing overhaul and upgrade of valves in power plants. Repair of valves and actuators. Customer ...

  • Ensuring the Canadian nuclear sector remains safe and productive. These activities ensure a strong connection will continue between AECL and the nuclear industry, thus allowing AECL to be an enabler of business innovation and technology transfer. This body of work represents a significant source of revenue and provides the basis for a considerable amount of the collaborative work that is ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    This report is the definitive resource for Smart Grid Research, combining clearly defined Market Sizing Statistics with Financial Analysis of M&A and ...

  • Manufactured by INETEC
    based in CROATIA

    We provide consulting activities for all types of nuclear power plants through several stages of the nuclear power plant project: pre-project, project decision-making, plant construction and plant ...

  • Manufactured by KUBIK Prod Com SRL
    based in ROMANIA

    The ECOBIK influence of the resulting products of combustion was evident in all applications tested. In all cases, the quantities of fly and bottom ash with ECOBIK were lower than before ECOBIK, and parameters that changed were: pH being always changed towards a value closer to neutral pH and the quantity of carbon in ash was always ...

  • Nuclear Operations Training Services prepares Nuclear Operations employees for increasing responsibility in the laboratory"s nuclear programs, missions, projects and research. INL"s nuclear mission includes leading roles in next-generation reactor design, the production of power sources for deep-space missions, production of medical and industrial isotopes, materials research, and the potential ...

  • based in CANADA

    Cameco is a major supplier of uranium processing services required to produce fuel for the generation of clean electricity. Through our Canadian refining and conversion operations, and a toll-processing agreement with Springfields Fuels Ltd. in the United Kingdom, Cameco is the world's largest conversion supplier, managing 35% of western world nameplate ...

  • Manufactured by AW-Energy Oy
    based in FINLAND

    The availability of the WaveRoller wave farms is high due to the robust technology and long and highly predictable maintenance cycles. Availability and reliability have been the guiding principles in WaveRoller design, and its preventive maintenance program is based on the same extensive RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) methodology used for nuclear power plants and ...

  • Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell’s energy and utilities professionals provide expertise to local, regional and international clients to achieve a wide range of energy and environmental goals. We assist clients with New Hampshire interests ranging from small renewable generators to large investor-owned utilities to energy consumers of all ...

  • based in USA

    Van Ness Feldman’s highly regarded Electric and Natural Gas Regulatory Practices have help clients effectively navigate the complex legal and regulatory issues that have defined the utility industry for more than 30 years. As these industries undergo a major transition, our clients rely on the firm’s unique combination of business knowledge, substantive legal and policy expertise, ...

  • As Black & Veatch addresses the interdependency of water and energy, clients benefit from reduced water usage for energy output, and lowered energy consumption at water and wastewater plants. Large amounts of electricity are required to acquire and process water, and large amounts of water are needed to produce electricity. This is the nexus of water and energy, and Black & Veatch sees ...

  • based in USA

    For more than a century, major participants in every sector of the energy market—oil and gas, conventional electric, nuclear, renewable energy, and water—have turned to Morgan Lewis for a broad range of corporate, finance, transactional, regulatory, and litigation ...

  • Manufactured by Power Electrics
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The recent change in UK Fuel Regulations and the increase in the use of Bio-Diesel in traditional diesel has made fuel polishing a major consideration to reduce the risk of fuel degradation in ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Risktec is a leading provider of specialist engineering, project management and safety resource to support our clients' activities by working at their main offices, project locations or industrial sites, anywhere in the world. The support is delivered by our professional resource solutions business, ASTEC, which accesses a pool of over 500 professional associates. The majority of our associates ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The world is constantly changing. In our industry this is especially the case in the energy sector. The planned political move away from nuclear power has steered the focus to renewable energy, and energy efficiency is the main priority in any manufacturing operation. As our customers continue to evolve, we develop our products with them. While Schroeder valves have always been energy efficient ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    CRL specialise in the unique repair and refurbishment of Nuclear and Power Industry buildings and structures using a variety of techniques. Our services include concrete repairs, protective coatings, Cathodic protection, guniting, resin injection, carbon fibre plate bonding, protective coatings, deck waterproofing and investigation surveys.Due to the sensitive nature of the Nuclear and Power ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Over the years Sureclean have accumulated extensive experience in the extended energy sector encompassing Nuclear, Fossil and more recently onshore and offshore Renewables. Our experience extends from undertaking ad-hoc cleaning activities to supporting full shutdown / outages where extensive maintenance programmes and other critical path activities are ...

  • based in USA

    MPR is the one-stop-shop for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equivalent-component engineering support and replacement. Overall plant impact is always at the top of our minds when we implement or redesign components and repair ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Ensuring optimal asset integrity is a growing challenge in major industry and utilities worldwide.Upstream and downstream oil and gas exploration and production facilities, as well as conventional and nuclear power plant industries, require continuous assurance that their assets are secure and fit for purpose.Applus RTD delivers asset integrity assurance through the provision of specialized ...

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