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Power Plant Engineering Articles & Analysis

167 articles found
  • Clarke Energy Powers Sartex with Cogeneration Solution for Textile Industry

    In the textile industry, energy costs and environmental concerns are significant challenges. Sartex, an industrial group specialising in the manufacture of jeans, opted for a cogeneration solution to meet the challenges of rising energy costs and environmental pressures. Sartex chose Clarke Energy to design, supply and install its CHP plant to solve these problems efficiently. This installation ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • BASF Chemical Plant, Italy - Case Study

    One of the world’s largest chemical companies, BASF, commissioned Centrax to build a CXA05 KB5DLE generator package for its plant in Pontecchio Marconi, Italy. ...

    By Centrax Ltd

  • Supporting Grid Balancing in Romania with EPC Peaking Power Projects - Case Study

    Romania’s energy sector is poised to increasingly rely on hydro-power, wind, and solar energy. These renewable sources, however, are subject to the unpredictability of wind, sunlight, and drought conditions. This variability places significant pressure on the Transmission System Operator (CNTEE Transelectrica SA), which is tasked with ensuring the safety and stability of the National ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Project - 3.4 MW, NC

    Year: 2022 Running Gear: 2 vertical shaft Francis turbines with synchronous generators Scope: Replacement of control system, excitation, and governors Set in a resort town in the mountains of North Carolina, this hydroelectric project was originally constructed in 1925-1926 by a private developer. Its primary purpose was to create a beautiful lake as the centerpiece of a huge resort/real ...

  • Medoil Improves Competitiveness and Commitment to Sustainability With Cogeneration - Case Study

    Medoil, part of Poulina Group, are a leading manufacturer specializing in production of margarine, vegetable fats, table oils, mayonnaise, and sauces. The company was facing mounting energy costs and environmental pressures, to address these challenges and improve operational efficiency, made a strategic investment in a containerized cogeneration power plant. This innovative solution, designed, ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Energie Steiermark - Integrated Pre-Drying of Biomass - Case Study

    As a regional energy supplier, Energie Steiermark AG has large interest in developing environmentally friendly and resource-saving processes for power ...

    By ENEXSA GmbH

  • Drägsby Vattenkraft - Tjusterby, Finland - Case Study

    Tjusterby hydro power plant is located near the city of Porvoo in Finland and it generates power for the mansion of ...

    By Waterpumps WP Oy

  • How Much Does A Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Cost?

    Choosing a tyre pyrolysis plant helps to reduce your carbon footprint and help you protect the environment. The plant can convert tyres and also other raw materials into useful products. You are able to sell these items to create some money. It really is, however, crucial to search for an inexpensive tyre pyrolysis plant.Exactly How Much Does a Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Cost?The price of a tyre ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Soiling Research at Green Energy Park with DustIQ

    One of the first customers to use DustIQ was Green Energy Park in Morocco, to support research field tests. Since February 2018, OTT HydroMet's DustIQ Soiling Monitoring System has been on their site and measuring the on-site soiling ratio. Green Energy Park (GEP) is a research center, a training platform and a testing facility located in the green city of Ben Guerir, mid-south of Morocco ...

    By OTT HydroMet Solar Energy

  • Pégaze Power Plants Generating 20MW of Electricity for SOBEGI in France

    The inauguration of PEGAZE (production of energy from surplus gas) took place on the induslacq platform in February 2019. Anchored in the energy transition, SOBEGI has been producing electricity from surplus gas since November 2018. In 2017, Clarke Energy responded to the call for tenders from SOBEGI (Sté Béarnaise de Gestion Industrielle) located in the Atlantic Pyrenees (64) ; ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Finding a reliable Pyrolysis Reactor Design

    There are numerous things you'll need to take into consideration when choosing equipment to your pyrolysis plant, like the overall quality of the machinery and your budget. Another element you'll want to consider is the design of the machinery you're buying. You should focus on finding a reliable pyrolysis plant design. Research Manufacturers It can be hard to gauge a pyrolysis reactor in the ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Waste-to-Energy References - RePower South - Case Study

    This collaboration gathered many plant and machinery designers together and a lot of expertise as well, so the results do speak for themselves. Now we have two highly efficient plants, which operate as pioneers in making renewable fuel in the US, RePower South CEO Mr. Brian Gilhuly ...

    By Cross Wrap Oy

  • Clarke Energy on the Move with Lonsdale Power Station

    Iberdrola Australia have appointed Clarke Energy as the main contractor to oversee and manage the relocation of a 120MW power station and associated plant from Lonsdale, in Adelaide’s south, to an industrial site in Bolivar (north of Adelaide) adjacent to SA Water’s wastewater treatment facility. The relocation of the power station to Bolivar will enable the gas turbines to be ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Digitalizing Your Critical Power System: Simple, Smart and Stable

    In my last post, I talked about the difficulties faced by facility teams in keeping critical power facilities running safely, reliably, efficiently, and compliant with regulations. We looked at the many hidden risks that make these goals even more challenging. A digitally-connected power distribution system gives you the deep insights you need so you’re no longer ‘working ...

    By Schneider Electric

  • Economics of Solar Power Plant: Here’s Your 5 Minutes Analytic Read on Renewable Energy

    Until a few years ago, topics like global warming, sustainability and climate change were terms that were only brought up in academic debates and discussions. However, in the last decade, people on a global level have begun to witness a massive amount of change in their lifestyle and surroundings, which is directly connected with environmental degradation. Now, since climate change is a vast and ...

    By Schneider Electric

  • Project - Flint, Michigan Auto Plant- Automotive Processing

    Capacity: 100 kpph An Automotive Power Plant owns and operates three boilers in the powerhouse at their 902 E. Leith Street facility in Flint, Michigan. All three boilers combust exclusively pipeline quality natural gas to generate steam that is used at the site for process and space heating purposes. All three boilers have a rated capacity of 100,000 lbs per hour steam output. The exhaust gas ...

    By CMC Solutions, LLC

  • Horizontal Clarifiers for Coal-Fired Plant

    A coal fired power plant and its engineers turned to Monroe Environmental for emergency implementation of a stormwater treatment system upgrade. Coal ash and other solids were clogging existing coalescing oil/water (CPI) separators, plugging the coalescing packs, and allowing solids and oil to bypass the system. After a successful evaluation and pilot test with a rental Monroe plate clarifier, ...

  • Achieving Greater Terrain Flexibility Across Challenging PV Solar Sites with DuraTrack

    Achieving Greater Terrain Flexibility Across Challenging PV Solar Sites with DuraTrack Utility-scale power plant projects around the world are running into a common challenge. The ideally flat sites are either drying up or being used for other purposes, meaning PV plants need to find solar solutions that enable terrain flexibility and allow EPCs, designers, developers, and operators to maximize ...

    By Array Technologies Inc

  • HPP Rätan, Sweden – Refurbishment of turbine G2 - Case Study

    We have started implementation of a project for the refurbishment of the G2 turbine unit, HPP Rätan in Sweden. The power plant, put into operation in 1968, currently operated by UNIPER, is equipped with 2 Francis turbines – each with an output of about 30 MW and runner diameter of 2700 ...

    By Strojírny Brno, a.s.

  • Ningbo Incineration Power Plant Leachate Treatment Project

    Capacity: 500tons/day Influent water quality: COD: 300-1000mg/L, BOD5: 20-300mg/L, SS: 500-800mg/L, NH3-N<=30mg/L, TN<=120mg/L, Total hardness(as CaCO3)<=1200mg/L, Total Alkalinity(CaCO3): 2000-8000mg/L Effluent water quality: CODcr<=60mg/L, BOD5<=10mg/L, pH: 6.5-8.5, Fe<=0.3mg/L, Total hardness(as CaCO3)<=450mg/L, Total ...

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