Power Plant Engineering Books

3 books found
  • Applied Hydraulic Transients: For Hydropower Plants and Pumping Stations

    The book treats the problem of transient hydraulic computation, for hydroelectric plants and pumping stations, especially by numerical methods and consists of the following chapters: The waterhammer phenomenon in hydraulic systems under pressure; Experimental results concerning the waterhammer; Protection of pumping stations against waterhammer; Hydraulic resonance in hydroelectric power plant ...

  • Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 1994 Part I & Part II

    The role of energy in the modern world goes beyond mere technology and economics to influence welfare, the environment, the quality of life and, in broad terms, civilization itself. Since the industrial revolution, energy conservation technology has been at the forefront of the innovation required to satisfy the needs of mankind and, more than any other, this technology has always depended ...

  • Perovskite Oxide for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

    The continuing development of fuel cells offers promising technologies for the conversion of chemical energy from hydrocarbon fuels into electricity without forming air pollutants. Perovskite Oxides for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells provides insight into the materials aspects of one of the most promising fuel cell types available. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) have significant advantages over other ...

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