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Inproheat Energy Management Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • based in CANADA

    Inproheat Industries offers Compact Welded heat exchangers from Tranter and Nexson. These heat exchangers are defined by an assembly of plates that are usually washboard-patterned-embossed or herringbone with almost all of the design material being involved in the heat transfer process. Every other plate is turned 180°, which causes the ridges of the adjacent plates to intersect with one ...

  • based in CANADA

    Inproheat Industries offers plate and frame-gasketed heat exchangers manufactured by Tranter. The efficiency of plate and frame-gasketed heat exchangers is based on the flow directions and the plate pattern angles, which must be carefully calculated to achieve the necessary turbulence, temperature, and pressure drop. The closer the heat exchanger matches the application’s performance ...

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