Energy Management Equipment Supplied In Myanmar

8 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Organics Group plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The MC range of flare stacks provides a combustion strategy which holds the gases at 1200oC for the specified retention time. This takes to its realistic limit this form of combustion control. The key to this form of technological solution is to raise the temperature of the combustion process to 1200oC and retain the combustion gases at this temperature for an extended period of ...

  • Manufactured by Organics Group plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The LHC (Low Heat Content) Range flare is designed specifically to address the problem of combusting gases with low calorific values, or heat contents. The optimisation of combustion control techniques ensures that heat loss is minimised, whilst air and gas mixing is maintained at a very high level. In normal landfill gas flares, for example, the usual minimum methane concentration at which a ...

  • Manufactured by CST Industries Inc
    based in USA

    CST Covers can custom engineer and manufactures aluminum vault structures for a variety of different applications. Our experience in building geodesic dome structures and custom architectural space frames give us the ideal background to provide the right vault cover solution for your needs. Contact CST Covers with your specific application information and our professional engineers will design a ...

  • Manufactured by Organics Group plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Biomass gasifiers operate by heating biomass in an oxygen-starved environment until the biomass breaks into its constituent chemical components. The process requires the input of heat energy for the endothermic chemical reaction to proceed that splits the molecules apart. Gasification with air produces a low-Btu gas, with a heating value about one-fifth that of natural gas. Indirectly heated ...

  • Manufactured by U-won Tank Co, Ltd
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    The product which is not absolute trouble type Absolutenessflnskte STEEL and duplex structure the outside FRP) Korea Institute of Fire industry & Technology (Formal authentication product) The estabtehment which is simple. Short construction duration The product which is safe 6 the possibility of ...

  • Manufactured by CST Industries Inc
    based in USA

    Storing your biomass fuel properly can make a huge difference in energy production. Choose the right tank to optimize your biomass ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The zelsius C5 IUF ultrasonic heat meter and cooling meter operates with an innovative ultrasonic technology, specially developed for domestic energy measurement and district heating. The ultrasonic heat meter/ cooling meter zelsius C5 IUF with ultrasonic flow sensor is, thanks to a combination of modern measuring technology and a very compact design, outstandingly suitable for recording all ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    These tanks offer sufficient volume to safely store or withdraw even large gas quantities. The digital integrated weighing scales allow to determine the filling weight with an accuracy of up to ±500 ...

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