Energy Management Equipment Supplied In Spain
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The Biogas compressor series C is an oilfree screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows up to 1900 m³/h and 3,5 bar overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The GMD series, made by AERZEN, is the universal gastight booster solution for the low pressure range. Equipped with a magnetic coupling, it ensures a maintenance-free sealing concept. Locking systems for sealing the drive shaft are completely eliminated and allow a low-maintenance machine concept. The separation between oil and process side is achieved by a special piston ring ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
When it comes to versatility, the compressors in the Delta Screw series exceed all expectations. The truth is that AERZEN’s flexible and highly efficient units offer the widest variety of models available today. The largest number of possible modifications. And the broadest range of accessories. In other words: the right compressor for all process ...
PremiumManufactured by KISTERS AGbased in GERMANY
Precise longterm measurements of the hemispherical radiation budget at earth surface provide fundamental insights to understand the changing climate system of the earth. KISTERS’ innovative WeatherSens MPS100 sensor provides precise and maintenance-free measurement of solar radiation by photoelectric technology. The compact sensor is designed without any moving parts and with embedded ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The biogas compressor series VMY is an oil-injected screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of biomethane to inject into gas grids. ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN process gas compressors are installed as single or multiple stage units in chemical, petrochemical, raw material and energy producing plants and in many other production centres of the processing industry all over the world. The unit is ideally suited for dry compression of all gases in chemical and petrochemical industries. Technical Data: Suction volume flow up to: 75.000 m³/h, ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
They supply the highest differential pressures or pressure ratios in the AERZEN product portfolio – the oil flooded compressor series VMY. VMY compressors are the ideal solution for low molar weights, coolants, and generally for fluctuating operation conditions and gas ...
PremiumManufactured by Kovalus Separation Solutions, Inc.based in USA
The SgPur system is specifically designed to treat sour gas from oil and gas operations. The system reduces hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations and converts it to solid elemental sulfur for resale. The system uses a liquid chemical catalyst, compact gas/liquid contactor, and solids removal system and does not consume the chemical catalyst driving the conversion of H2S to sulfur, minimizing ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN oil-free, compressing screw compressors are used in a variety of highly demanding areas of application, namely those in which the quality of the conveyed medium can significantly influence the production process and the finished ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The use of biogas as an energy source will considerably help achieve the environmental objectives set nationally and internationally; be that reducing reliance on nuclear energy or the reduction of CO2 emissions. Specially designed for the biogas market, AERZEN biogas blowers of series GM ensure ultimate reliability and ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
Powerful, efficient and designed for continuous operation: the oil-injected VMX Premium air ends from AERZEN have a proven track record for reliability in tough situations. With 10 power levels, they are sure to become your first choice when it comes to configuring high-quality air ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN screw compressor packages are characterised by a great variety of types and a lot of modification possibilities. Whether these compressors serve as part of the customer's plant concept or they are applied as complete system solution, AERZEN always adapts to individual customer requirements. Forming the basis for this is the development competence of this world market ...
PremiumManufactured by NIVUS GmbHbased in GERMANY
DataPro, SonicPro and EnerPro surge arrestors – highly stressable and particularly adjusted to sensors and transmitters. Maximum operational safety at small ...
Manufactured by Capstone Green Energybased in USA
Expandable Can be paralleled up to 30MW of power. Your location could not be detected. Please allow to detect your location to find the distributor that services your region. If you previously blocked CapstoneTurbine from knowing your location, click the location marker symbol in your address bar to fix ...
Manufactured by Capstone Green Energybased in USA
Can be paralleled up to 30MW of ...
Manufactured by Sorbcontrol S.L.based in SPAIN
Hydraulic power units for operating skimmers, pumps, reels, cleaning machinery. It’s a hydraulic pump driven by an internal combustion engine or electric motor, which supplies hydraulic pressure and flow to one or multiple devices simultaneously to power them, irrespective of their ...
Manufactured by IDM Agrometalbased in SPAIN
The IDM pallet jack is the easiest and most efficient way to carry the pallets to the warehouse. The traction group exclusively designed by IDM is the driving and drivetrain unit of the machine, where the engine, gearbox, brakes and throttle are located. The entire group freely spins 360 degrees, so that the machine never goes backwards, since the traction group pushes or pulls the ...
Manufactured by Industrial Olmar S.Abased in SPAIN
Olmar offers its customers one of the most modern and advanced control systems in the market; the Olmar Control System (OCS). After years of research and development, the team of software engineers at Olmar have developed a system that includes the latest advances in the world of IT and technology and that guarantees optimal operation of all its units in each ...
Manufactured by Guascor Energy S.A.U.based in SPAIN
Ideal for power generation, cogeneration/trigeneration, mechanical drive and marine applications – the lean burn, electronically carbureted SL gas engines have an output range from 209 to 1150 kWb at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Providing an excellent solution when fueled by natural gas, landfill and sewage gas, flare and well gas, LPG& propane, syngas and also hydrogen, the SL Series is a ...
Manufactured by Efergy Technologies SLbased in SPAIN
Keep track of your electricity usage in real time, in a sophisticated way. The E2 Classic comes with the Elink Energy Management Software, which will enable you to export data, analyse it and learn how you can save money. It's the perfect product to perform quick home energy ...
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