Thermal Power Plants Equipment & Supplies In Ohio

80 equipment items found
  • based in INDIA

    Made with Vertical Ring Die Pellet Machine. ...

  • based in SOUTH KOREA

    Develop and produce high precision power plant parts; Focused on the major assembly and part machining technologies required for high precision and accuracy in nuclear and thermal power generation facilities. EMK produces both technically demanding and basic power plant facility parts. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Evaporator coils / assembly is being used in the modern thermal plants to increase the Boiler efficiency. The hot water from the drum is collected through downcomers and saturated steam is produced in the evaporators with the help of flue gases. The saturated steam is forwarded to the superheaters. Since, the evaporators are one of the most critical parts in the boilers, we produce the evaporator ...

  • based in CHINA

    We offer you high quality Mullite Bricks and sell & export Mullite Tiles at factory price. You can also get customized mullite bricks service by informing us about your ...

  • based in CHINA

    Silica heat-insulating brick is a high-performance heat-insulating material, possessing the characteristics of low thermal conductivity and good corrosion resistance. Silicone heat-insulating bricks are suitable for heat insulation in harsh environments such as high temperature and corrosion ...

  • Manufactured by Air Systems Ltd. (ASL)
    based in INDIA

    We are one of the leading Organization selling Disaster Management Equipments for the past two decades to Government Organizations like Railways, Electricity Board, Thermal Power Plants and Defense Projects etc. We have come out with our Innovative "BRITEMAN" Working Lights, useful in emergency situations, specially for Railways having vast net work at remote areas, where Electricity / Generators ...

  • Coal Mill is the main equipment of the rotary kiln cement clinker production system and at the same time, it is also suitable for powder grinding equipment system in such industries as thermal power plant, metallurgy, chemical industry and sugar ...

  • based in CHINA

    Chutes or hoppers are the main equipment for material conveying and loading in the crushing system in cement, steel, coal power plant, mining and so on. With continuous conveying of particle, such as coal, iron ore, gold, aluminum etc. The chutes and hoppers are suffered very serious abrasion and impact because of such big material conveying capacity and big impact. It is also applicable to Coal, ...

  • Manufactured by Air Systems Ltd. (ASL)
    based in INDIA

    An air preheater (APH) is a general term to describe any device designed to heat air before another process (for example, combustion in a boiler) with the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the process. They may be used alone or to replace a recuperative heat system or to replace a steam coil. In particular, this article describes the combustion air preheaters used in large ...

  • based in CHINA

    GTL-n series rotary ash cooler is a new generation of cooling equipment for the circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler hot slag (around 1000℃). Its a most advanced and a very successful cooling technology. The drum use the new technology of composite cooling of inner ring spiral and screw pipe to make the heat dissipation much more efficient. The frequency converter of the transmission ...

  • based in USA

    The pioneering induction-based ThermoPower TP-75 CHP system infuses high efficiency with significant cost savings. Its industry best-in-class design allows the TP-75 to offer the most dynamic cogeneration experience on the market, reducing utility costs by up to 50%. With its simple interconnection process, the ThermoPower TP-75 cogeneration systems seamlessly integrates into existing ...

  • based in ITALY

    STEM® (Solar Thermo-Electric Magaldi) is a patented concentrating solar technology, which uses a mirror system to concentrate the sun's light energy on a receiver and convert it into heat. The heat can be used to power industrial thermal processes or to drive steam turbines to produce electricity. The STEM® technology contains a TES (Thermal Energy Storage) system directly ...

  • based in INDIA

    Made with Vertical Ring Die Pellet Machine. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Made with Press Die Pellet Machine. ...

  • based in CANADA

    Biocoal is a biomass fuel. Biocoal is a replacement of coal, and it has high carbon content, is energy dense, hydrophobic (does not absorb moisture from the air) and is highly resistant to biodegradation. As such, it is also an alternative to coking coal for in steel and other metallurgical industries. Also, unlike wood pellets and other biomass, thermal power plants can use biocoal without ...

  • based in INDIA

    AERON Trefoil Clamps / Cable Cleats are used for laying single core cables in Trefoil touching formation which helps to maintain magnetic symmetry thereby avoiding electromagnetic heating and loss of current. AERON Trefoil clamps have been manufactured by molding process from Virgin Glass Filled materials. Glass filled materials are used to increase the flexibility of the clamp & to avoid the ...

  • based in INDIA

    Api 5l pipe suppliers - Carbon Steel Api 5L SMLS Pipes - Api 5L Welded Pipe - Price List India. API 5L GR.B Pipes Suppliers India, API 5L X42 Pipes Suppliers Usa, API 5L X46 Pipes Suppliers UK, API 5L X52 Pipes Suppliers Uae, API 5L X56 Pipes Suppliers Singapore, API 5L X60 Pipes Suppliers South Korea, API 5L X65 Pipes Suppliers Malaysia, API 5L X70 Pipes Suppliers Singapore, API 5L GR.B Seamless ...

  • Manufactured by Soltigua
    based in ITALY

    PTMx, Soltigua’s parabolic trough, is developed and produced in Italy. Due to several innovations, PTMx includes all the advantages of solar concentration that, up to today, have been available exclusively to solar thermal power stations. Today, this innovative technology becomes available for a wide range of ...

  • Solar thermal energy - fully developed and efficient. Solar thermal power plants play an increasing role in the energy supplies of the future.Research and develeopment efforts were already taking place in the USA in the 1980s, but were stopped and not started again until recent years. Solar thermal power plants achieve high efficiency and are a climate and resource-friendly form of energy ...

  • Manufactured by Metrel d.o.o.
    based in SLOVENIA

    MI 3152H EurotestXC 2,5 kV is an instrument from the new generation of Metrel’s multifunctional measuring instruments. The already well known functions like complete installation safety testing according to IEC/EN 61557 and AUTO SEQUENCE testing of TN and TT earthing systems expanded with insulation resistance measurement with the test voltage up to 2,5 kV are managed by a completely new ...

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