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Turbine Design Articles & Analysis

37 articles found
  • Calibrating Modelled High-Resolution Time Series with Measurements - Case Study

    In wind energy projects, obtaining precise and reliable wind resource data is crucial, yet the available data often remains limited in both time and space. To extend this data into the long term, integrating real-world measurements with model results becomes essential. This study demonstrates the process of improving modelled turbulence using observational data and calibrating high-resolution ...

    By Vortex SL

  • Is Wind Energy Actually Sustainable?

    Is Wind Energy Actually Sustainable? Wind energy is usually considered a cleaner alternative to traditional sources of fossil fuel and is renewable, with much-reduced carbon emissions. However, its full range of implications is worth considering. Any discussion on the sustainability of wind energy necessarily involves wind turbine technology, recycling, and natural effects. Let’s explore ...

    By Freen OÜ

  • S.I.C.A.E of Precy - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

    The work decomposed into several phases: Optimisation of turbines installed in 1926 in right bank to reach 420 kW. Change of regulating system for the power and the water level. Installation of a supplementary turbine of 80 KW power in left ...

    By Waterpumps WP Oy

  • At lofty heights: 3D Scan of a wind turbine blade

    The maintenance of wind turbines, and whole wind farms, is a challenge. Normally wind turbines are designed to operate for 20 years. During these 20 years they are subjected to all kinds of weather conditions and heavy loads, but thanks to modern acquisition technology and advanced numerical models, such conditions can be addressed and even turned into increased annual energy production. To ...

    By Creaform - AMETEK, Inc

  • University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon - 10.9 MW Gas and Steam Turbine CHP - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Eugene, Oregon MARKET SECTOR: University FACILITY SIZE: 23,634 Students FACILITY Total Electrical Energy Use: About 70 million kWh/year EQUIPMENT: 7,965 kW Solar Taurus gas turbine plus 3,000 kW steam turbine FUEL: Natural gas USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Space, domestic hot water, sterilization, cooking, cage cleaning CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 77.3% at full-fire TOTAL PROJECT COST: ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Combined Heat and Power Educational Services - University of Cincinnati - Case Study

    OWNER University of Cincinnati LOCATION Cincinnati, Ohio, USA PRODUCT Two Titan"" 130 (12.5 MWe) Gas Turbines CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainable Energy Production As energy prices continue to rise, and the failure of the aging and overtaxed electrical grid persists, more and more institutions are opting to build their own power generating systems. The University of Cincinnati chose a combined heat ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Capitol Power Plant - 7.5 MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Washington, D.C. MARKET SECTOR: District Energy & Federal Facility FACILITY SIZE: 7.5 megawatts (MW) Combustion Turbine FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 7.5 MW EQUIPMENT: Combustion Turbine FUEL: Natural Gas (w/ Fuel Oil Backup) USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Power (backpressure steam turbine), Heating, Domestic Hot Water and Reheat CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 75% ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Reduce ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Combined heat and power agricultural industry - Macon Municipal Energy Center - Case Study

    OWNER Macon Municipal Utilities/Northeastern Missouri Grain LOCATION Macon, Missouri, USA PRODUCT Mars 100 (11.3 MWe) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainable Energy Production In 2002, Macon Municipal Utilities approached Northeastern Missouri Grain (NEMO), an 40 million gallon per year ethanol production facility, with the idea of implementing combined heat and power (CHP) for the economic, ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • 12MWe combined heat and power plant plant renovation - Case Study

    OWNER Societe De Cogeneration Picardie Socopic OPERATOR Dalkia Groupe EDF LOCATION Amiens, France PRODUCT Mars 100 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Improved Energy Efficiency Quick Pay Back on Investment Societe De Cogeneration Picardie Socopic (SO.COPIC) is a producer and distributor of steam and air conditioning. SO.COPIC was searching for the right solution to renovating their old and oversized ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • US offshore CEOs call for East Coast supply hubs to beat competition

    The U.S. offshore sector must create regional East Coast supply chains and public-private initiatives that accelerate training and port investments to ensure long-term competitiveness, leading developers told the U.S. Offshore Wind 2019 Conference. New Jersey's decision last week to select Orsted’s giant 1.1 GW Ocean Wind project for its first large-scale facility highlights the rapid ...

  • 500kW Wind Turbine for AG Barr - Case Study

    From their production facility in Cumbernauld, AG Barr Plc produces some of Scotland’s favourite drinks. This includes Irn Bru, Strathmore Water and Rockstar. Wishing to upgrade the site and expand, AG Barr faced either a substantial upgrade fee from Scottish Power in excess of £1,000,000 or to think outside the box and find other ways of delivering additional power. The natural fit ...

    By Absolute Solar and Wind Ltd

  • Tidal power - A different perspective

    Kepler Energy is taking a different approach to tidal power, applying a design that can be used in benign sea conditions in a location closer to end-demand and which could generate utility-scale quantities of power, as Peter Dixon explains.The physical environment of tidal turbines is clearly very different to that of wind turbines, not least because water is a lot denser than air! However, ...

    By Kepler Energy

  • Scalable Power to Match Industrial Park Growth in Southeast Asia Case Study

    Powerphase recently installed two Turbophase modules at a Malaysian high-tech park, one of several projects it has underway in Asia. Ensuring reliable and efficient natural gas capacity is a challenge in the fast-growing Southeast Asian grid. Southeast Asia’s hot climate is a challenge for efficient CCGT operation because hotter ambient temperatures reduce air density and GT combustion ...

    By Powerphase International

  • Offshore wind installation vessel capacity to tighten after 2020

    The existing fleet of turbine and foundation installation vessels is well suited to serve the European offshore wind market in the short and mid-term but it will not be sufficient to support installation demand after 2020, Michael Guldbrandtsen, senior consultant at MAKE Consulting, told Wind Energy Update. The next 2-3 years will continue to be dominated by orders for jack-up installation ...

  • Overhaul Completed in Just 30 Days

    Sulzer completed an overhaul of three General Electric steam turbines and five Clark compressors for a large ethylene plant in Colombia. Sulzer’s service centers in Texas and Bogotá worked together to inspect and repair the three turbines. Sulzer staff helped the customer with project planning, full commissioning, and testing within a very tight timeframe. The city of ...

    By Sulzer Ltd.

  • Steam Turbine Rotor Transient Thermo-Structural Analysis and Lifetime Prediction

    Market requirements for faster and more frequent power unit start-up events result in a much faster deterioration of equipment, and a shorter equipment lifespan. Significant heat exchange occurs between steam and turbine rotors during the start-up process and even more intensive heat exchange takes place during the condensation phase in cold start-up mode, which leads to further thermal stresses ...

    By SoftInWay Inc.

  • Engineering Innovation into Driveline Design

    Introduction: thinking differently What is innovation? How can you harness innovation in practical ways to support your business goals? In the driveline industry and for engineering in general, “innovation” is often synonymous with the use of new or novel technologies/methods to achieve design and development goals - and ultimately deliver a higher quality product - in faster, more ...

    By Romax Technology Limited

  • Record 13bn euro invested in offshore wind in 2015: 3GW new capacity

    Offshore wind investments in Europe doubled in 2015 to €13.3 billion in a record year for financing and grid-connected installations. A total of 3,019 MW in new offshore wind capacity came online in European waters in 2015, more than double what was connected to the grid in 2014. Europe's total offshore wind capacity is now 11,027 MW. A further 3,034 MW of capacity - spread across ten ...

    By WindEurope asbl/vzw

  • Turbine condensers for propylene production

    Propylene is one of the most important compounds in the chemical industry. It's primarily used to make the plastic polypropylene, but also in many other processes. A propylene factory in Ningbo, China set Körting Hannover AG an exceptional process-engineering challenge. It appointed the company to design special turbine condensers to produce 600,000 tonnes of propylene per year. The ...

    By Körting Hannover AG

  • Monopiles to remain Dominant Offshore Foundation in Europe: Consultant

    Monopiles will be Europe’s dominant offshore wind foundation for the next five years despite increasing turbine capacity, Tim Fischer, Head of Wind at German consultancy Ramboll, said. Monopile projects have dominated the offshore wind market but windfarms are moving towards larger turbines requiring larger foundations. While many proponents are promoting the value of jacket foundations ...

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