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Waste Heat Boiler Suppliers For Forestry & Wood

3 companies found
  • Indeck Power Equipment Company
    based in Wheeling, ILLINOIS (USA)

    Since Indeck’s inception over five decades ago, we have progressed into the go-to boiler manufacturer for comprehensive boiler and auxiliary equipment inventory and rentals. We design and manufacture industrial boiler systems that include power ...

  • INTEC Engineering GmbH
    based in Bruchsal, GERMANY

    INTEC Engineering GmbH is an international company recognized for excellence in the design, manufacturing and delivery of energy systems. INTEC plants represent state-of-the-art technology. INTEC-plants universally use thermal oil as the heat ...

  • Nacah Tech LLC
    based in Pittsburgh, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Nacah Tech excels in customized direct thermal oxidizers for difficult industrial applications with advanced burner technology including low NOx options. To best serve our customers, thermal oxidizer systems may include waste heat boilers, heat ...

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