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Waste Heat Recovery Suppliers For Plastics & Resins

3 companies found
  • Bionomic Industries Inc
    based in Mahwah, NEW JERSEY (USA)

    Bionomic Industries’ website where you will be able to identify and select the right products for your application from a complete line of wet and dry scrubbers, adsorbers, dry collectors, electrostatic devices, mist eliminator vessels, NOx control ...

  • Solex Thermal Science
    based in Calgary, ALBERTA (CANADA)

    Solex Thermal Science is the global market leader and developer of high-efficiency, indirect heat exchange technology for the heating, cooling and drying of free-flowing granular materials such as solid granules, pellets, beans, seeds and particles. ...

  • CETS Technologies, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Athens, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    CETS Technologies Inc., a systems integrator and industrial engineering company based in the US. The company is a leader in the architectural design, development, engineering and deployment of renewable energy and waste solutions for municipalities. ...

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