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Fuel Moisture Monitoring Articles & Analysis

3 articles found
  • Is it possible for alternative fuels to replace traditional fossil fuels as the mainstream?

    If you were a coal-burning company, would you like to choose $60 alternative fuels per ton or $180 coal fuels per ton? Of course, such a direct comparison is not reasonable because alternative fuels differ from coal in terms of calorific value of combustion and disposal costs. Let us then calculate the actual economic benefits of alternative fuels compared to fossil fuels (as represented by coal) ...

    By Harden Machinery Ltd.

  • Methods of oil/fuel analysis

    PC GlobeCore can propose you to make a reclaiming test of yours example of fuel (oil) to verify the possibility of clean it. If the oil is contaminated and not suitable for use, filtration can be recommended. Or, you can also make this test by yourself using our laboratory/test-bench transformer oil vacuum regeneration system UVR. The regenerated samples exceeded yours expectations. Average ...

    By GlobeCore PC

  • What is the Purpose of a Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL)?

    The Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) plays several critical roles in a typical fuel cell application and is often integrated as part of the Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA). Typical applications that use GDLs consist of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEMFC) and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC). When a GDL is coated with a catalyst it is than referred to as a Gas Diffusion Electrode (GDE), which are ...

    By Fuel Cells Etc

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