Petroleum Testing Articles & Analysis
EnerCom Announces Lineup of Top Independent Energy Companies for EnerCom Dallas The Energy Investment and ESG Conference April 18-19, 2023
EnerCom, Inc. has published the preliminary presentation schedule and conference events for the EnerCom Dallas – The Energy Investment & ESG Conference + The Energy Venture Investment Summit, April 18-19, 2023 at Hotel Crescent Court, Uptown Dallas. EnerCom Dallas is an energy-focused investment conference that provides institutional investors the opportunity to hear investor ...
By EnerCom Ltd.
Alfa Chemistry Releases Petrochemical Standards for Fuels and Hydrocarbons Testing
Petrochemical products are an integral part of modern societies. To help researchers assess the quality of these commodities, Alfa Chemistry, one of the most popular suppliers of analytical reagents, recently announced the release of a new line of petrochemical standards, which can be used to analyze and test petroleum, gasoline, fuels, hydrocarbons and many other types of petrochemical-relevant ...
Luke Oil May Invest $45 Billion In Iraq By 2035
According to Neftegaz. RU in Baghdad, Luke Oil may invest $45 billion in Iraq's oil projects by 2035. Luke Petroleum has invested about $8 billion in this area, which will reach about $45 billion by 2035, according to the agreement. In the Middle East, Iraq has become the centre of Luke Oil's strategic policy of increasing overseas production. Because of the huge reserves of traditional oil and ...
Registration opens for petroleum testing show - PEFTEC
As momentum builds in the run-up to PEFTEC 2015 (18th-19thNovember), visitors are now able to register for free at Registration will provide visitors with access to the Exhibition and technical Seminars. The Exhibition will include over 120 international laboratory and process monitoring equipment suppliers and analytical service providers. Registration is now open for the PEFTEC ...
Enthusiastic welcome for new petrochemical testing show
PEFTEC 2015, the international petroleum, refining and environmental event (Antwerp 18th-19th November), is set to become a major date in the diaries of anyone involved in the testing, analysis and monitoring of downstream oil products and petrochemicals. PEFTEC organiser Marcus Pattison says: “The response to our Call for Papers has been overwhelming and the Exhibition is rapidly filling ...
D7094 Flashpoint Method Accepted For ASTM D7467 Biodiesel Blend Specifications
AMETEK Grabner Instruments’ ASTM D7094 flashpoint method made history in 2013, when ASTM members accepted the method for ASTM Diesel Fuel and Kerosene specifications. Recently, ASTM members expressed their confidence again in the method and voted to include the flashpoint method in ASTM D7467 Biodiesel (B6 to B20) specifications. A inter-laboratory study in 2013 using AMETEK Grabner ...
ASTM D975 - 11b Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
This specification covers seven grades of diesel fuel oils suitable for various types of diesel engines. These grades are: Grade No. 1-D S15; Grade No. 1-D S500; Grade No. 1-D S5000; Grade No. 2-D S15; Grade No. 2-D S500; Grade No. 2-D S5000; and Grade No. 4-D. The requirements specified for diesel fuel oils shall be determined in accordance with the following test methods: flash point; cloud ...
ASTM D1934 - 95(2012) Standard Test Method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insulating Petroleum Oils by Open-Beaker Method
Open-beaker oxidative aging methods have been used for many years in laboratories of oil companies, electrical equipment manufacturers, and electric utility companies interested in the stability of electrical insulating oils under oxidative conditions. They are particularly useful as a check on the continuity of production and shipment of insulating oils. They ...
ASTM D2864 - 10e1 Standard Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases
1. Scope 0 2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) ASTM Standards D611 Test Methods for Aniline Point and Mixed Aniline Point of Petroleum Products and Hydrocarbon Solvents D2007 Test Method for Characteristic Groups in Rubber Extender and Processing Oils and Other Petroleum-Derived Oils by the Clay-Gel Absorption Chromatographic Method D2140 Practice for Calculating Carbon-Type ...
Intelligent and Portable Fuel Analysis
Grabner Instruments, a subsidiary of AMETEK, Inc. has introduced a new portable and highly versatile FTIR spectrometer for the fully automatic measurement of gasoline, diesel and biofuel blends. The MINISCAN IRXpert is the first completely portable fuel analyzer that combines superior scanning range and resolution with the advantages of mid-IR and near-IR spectroscopy for highest measurement ...
ASTM D6890 - 11b Standard Test Method for Determination of Ignition Delay and Derived Cetane Number (DCN) of Diesel Fuel Oils by Combustion in a Constant Volume Chamber
The ID and DCN values determined by this test method can provide a measure of the ignition characteristics of diesel fuel oil in compression ignition engines. This test can be used by engine manufacturers, petroleum refiners and marketers, and in commerce as a specification aid to relate or match ...
ASTM D6890 - 11a Standard Test Method for Determination of Ignition Delay and Derived Cetane Number (DCN) of Diesel Fuel Oils by Combustion in a Constant Volume Chamber
The ID and DCN values determined by this test method can provide a measure of the ignition characteristics of diesel fuel oil in compression ignition engines. This test can be used by engine manufacturers, petroleum refiners and marketers, and in commerce as a specification aid to relate or match fuels and engines. The ...
ASTM D1838 - 11 standard test method for copper strip corrosion by liquefied petroleum (LP) gases
Copper corrosion limits provide assurance that difficulties will not be experienced in deterioration of the copper and copper-alloy fittings and connections that are commonly used in many types of utilization, storage, and transportation equipment. 1. Scope 1.1 This test method covers the detection of the presence of components in liquefied petroleum ...
ASTM D4049 - 06(2011) standard test method for determining the resistance of lubricating grease to water spray
This test method is used to evaluate the ability of a grease to adhere to a metal surface when subjected to direct water spray. The results obtained from the use of this test method suggest correlation in operations involving direct water spray impingement such as steel mill roll neck bearing service. This test method is used for quality control and ...
ASTM D1092 - 11 standard test method for measuring apparent viscosity of lubricating greases
Apparent viscosity versus shear rate information can be useful in predicting pressure drops in grease distribution systems under steady-state flow conditions at constant temperature. 1. Scope 1.1 This test method covers measurement, in poises, of the apparent viscosity of lubricating greases in the temperature range from −54 to 38°C (−65 to 100°F). Measurements are limited ...
New methods for Biodiesel and Unknown Sample Distillation unveiled
Vienna, Austria – GRABNER INSTRUMENTS announces the implementation of new distillation methods in its automatic and portable MINIDIS ADXpert distillation analyzer. The analyzer offers new methods for accurate distillation of BIODIESEL B100 and UNKNOWN SAMPLES, which can now be measured without prior selection of distillation groups. Thanks to full automation, a fast thermocouple ...
Ultra Low Sulfur - sub ppm sensitivity!
Recent developments in our R&D Lab center show how low limits of detection of S is our S-Mobile ULS capable of deliver. International standards regulating the Petrochemical industry stretch analytical instrumentation producers to the limit. Now thanks to intensive R&D work and by applying the latest electronic components available in the industry, Xenemetrix is surpassing standards ...
Mercury in the Petrochemical Industry – Applications for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
For many years P S Analytical has been at the forefront of developments relating to the measurement of mercury in the Petrochemical Industry. P S Analytical’s measurement systems are based on the PSA 10.525 Sir Galahad atomic fluorescence instrument. The Sir Galahad is a very flexible system, and using a combination of hardware and software, the PSA Research and Development team have been able ...
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