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Petroleum Testing Services

6 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    Mineral oil remains one of the world’s most important raw materials and is of crucial importance to the global economy. The ability to supply high-quality fuel and petrochemical feedstock products depends on suitable processing technology as well as careful testing and analysis. Karl Kolb is a trusted supplier of equipment used by the international oil industry in calibration and ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Petroleum Services is the world's largest and most technologically advanced independent provider of reservoir fluid and petrophysical services to the oil and gas industry. We provide data and services that characterize the porous reservoir rock and all three reservoir fluids - gas, oil and water. The data sets provided by Core Lab's Reservoir Fluids services are used by oil companies to ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    FPC has been independently tested at some of the world’s most prestigious diesel fuel testing facilities. While this provides scientific evidence of the benefits provided by this diesel fuel additive, Fuel Technology continues to provide confidence to our customers by conducting on-site fuel efficiency and emission testing to further quantify the benefits of ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Our thermal imaging services have been a proven method to increase asset safety and save offshore companies thousands of pounds a year in rig and installation downtime by the early detection and prevention of electrical and mechanical incidents. Thermal imaging petrochemical testing help to avoid costly and dangerous emissions. That’s why infrared thermography is important to predictive ...

  • ADVANCE INSPECTION & TESTING LAB, DELHI has vast testing experience of petroleum oil testing according to standard specifications with all its latest & sophisticated ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Core Laboratories has developed RAPID™ and RIB® as innovative technologies that make data available in a timely fashion integrating multiple data sets into a coherent data package that is available at all times through our secure CoreClientWeb to our clients and their ...

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