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Waukesha Energy Monitoring Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Waukesha 275GL+ represents the most advanced generation of high-horsepower engines in the gas compression segment. A combination of robust construction and innovative technology, the 275GL+ lean-burn engine delivers excellence in fuel flexibility, efficiency, power output and emissions for unmatched performance. For maximum uptime and profitability, you can depend on the 275GL+ to get the job ...

  • based in USA

    Some of the longest running engines in the field, Waukesha’s VHP engines are designed and built with knowledge from a century of oil and gas and power generation industry experience. Now, the VHP Series Five provides even more power and performance for your most challenging and remote ...

  • based in USA

    Breaking New Ground in High Horsepower Applications; For more than 100 years, Waukesha Engine has been committed to evolving engine technologies. Waukesha’s newest generation of the 275GL+ with ESM2 gas engine provides optimum performance in gas compression and other mechanical drive applications. Combining improved power and enhanced efficiency, the 275GL+ with ESM2 meets the constant ...

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