Voltage Control Product Applications
Renewable Energy Systems for Solar Powered Water Pump and Solar Powered DC Motors
There are several ways to use solar power for applications such as water pumping or motorized appliances: Low voltage direct trom paralleled PV-moduies: higher voltage irom series string PV-modules. or conversion of the DC to AC for AC powered motors. Low voltage direct requires conductors with sufficient ampacity which can significantly increase cost, especially over any distance. Series string, high voltage means a highly variable voltage presented to the device as the MPPT of the array changes constantly. ...
By eIQ Energy based in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA (USA).
High Power Modulators for High Energy Physics
DTI's high power modulators and power supplies are used world wide in demanding research applications in the U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratories, leading universities, and overseas research ...
By Diversified Technologies, Inc. (DTI) based in Bedford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
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