Wind Resource Assessment (WRA) Articles & Analysis
Calibrating Modelled High-Resolution Time Series with Measurements - Case Study
In wind energy projects, obtaining precise and reliable wind resource data is crucial, yet the available data often remains limited in both time and space. To extend this data into the long term, integrating real-world measurements with model results becomes essential. This study demonstrates the process of improving modelled turbulence using observational data and calibrating high-resolution ...
By Vortex SL
Winds of Change: Offshore Wind Farms at the Forefront of Energy Transition
At a time when the importance of turning to sustainable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint is increasingly recognised, offshore wind farms represent a ray of hope amid growing concerns about the energy crisis. They constitute a significant step forward in the search for long-term solutions in the field of renewable energies and sustainable development. In this article, we take a ...
Fulcrum3D Sodar - Clarke Creek Wind Farm - Case Study
Fulcrum3D treats all information regarding monitoring sites in the strictest of confidence. Below is a case study from monitoring sites that we are at liberty to discuss with express permission from our clients. Clarke Creek Wind Farm Lacour Energy is an Australian renewable energy development company focused on developing premium wind and solar projects across Australia. Goldwind Australia ...
Aleipata wind hybrid farm independent state of samoa - Case study
Wind Turbines: 2 Vergnet GEV MP C 275 kW, 32m rotor diameter, 55m hub height Total power: 550 kW Commissioned: August 2014 Operations and Maintenance: Vergnet S.A Vergnet GEV MP Wind Turbines Deliver Energy and Cost Savings for Aleipata The Aleipata Wind Farm is the first wind farm to be commissioned in the Independent State of Samoa. The Vergnet project was ...
The Path to a Vehicle-to-Grid Future
Is a vehicle-to-grid future possible, where bidirectional chargers allow electricity to flow from electric vehicles back to the grid during peak demand? Given the current state of electric vehicle (EV) technology, coupled with existing pilot projects, we believe it’s more suitable to ask: what useful vehicle-to-grid applications can we implement today, and what valuable benefits await to be ...
Bull Creek Wind Project - Case Study
422,472 MWh: Low Emission Contribution 29MW: Generation Capacity 17: Turbines installed Bull Creek Wind Project, in western Alberta, represents the first of Windlab’s projects to reach operations in North America. The site was first identified by Windlab in 2007 and the land was quickly secured. Windlab sold the project to BluEarth Renewables in 2011, who then continued the ...
Forecasting Exercise - Case Study
Objective: In 2005, AEE promoted a project related to the prediction of wind farm energy production, known as the Prediction Exercise. The project was financed by AEE and by companies that own the parks, as well as by a subsidy from the PROFIT programme of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Prediction Exercise consisted of a comparative Round Robin of ...
Atmospheric stability in wind resource assessment: Development of a new tool for an accurate wind profile estimate
The main objective of this paper is to investigate some key issues related to the atmospheric stability for the development of wind power projects, aiming to contribute to increase the reliability of this source and its safe insertion into the energy matrix. It is also important to note that the techniques and methodologies to be described were conceived taking into consideration one main ...
By VIE Brazil
What rural Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy
I flew into Unalakleet, Alaska, on a late fall day. With about 700 people, Unalakleet is large by rural Alaska standards and serves as a regional hub. The village is located on a sandy spit of land where a clear river meets the turbid water of the Bering Sea. Out the plane window the sun shone bright, glittering off the wind-tossed whitecaps of the sea. To the east, the rolling Nulato Hills, clad ...
By Ensia
Offshore wind costs and development risk
How procurement strategies, manufacturing costs and new technology stack up against development risk in Offshore Wind Projects. Offshore wind is changing, and it is changing for the better. In 2006, offshore wind deployment costs started rising significantly, from £1.5m/ MW, in 2016 prices, to over £4m/MW in 2012, without a clear indication as to what the price ceiling would be. ...
Want to improve wind and solar power? Bring them together
By combining intermittent renewable energy sources through hybrid projects, developers are taking advantage of the strengths of each. What’s keeping solar and wind power from fully taking over the electric grid? For starters, the sun only shines during the day. Wind blows intermittently, is seasonally variable, and is not always blowing when the energy is needed. But what if solar and wind ...
By Ensia
Using Lidar for WRA Campaigns: Your Questions Answered (Part I)
In the course of conversations with wind developers new to Lidar technology, a number of questions seem to come up regularly. In this and future blog posts, I will attempt to answer these questions in some detail to benefit others who might be pondering them as well. Two very practical questions have to do with how WINDCUBE® Lidars might affect overall wind resource assessment (WRA) campaign ...
By NRG Systems
How to Keep Your SymphoniePRO Data Secure
Data matters. The accuracy, consistency, and yes, safety of measurement data keep many wind developers and analysts up at night. Customers often ask about the digital and physical security of RNRG instruments, so I sat down with Michael Fisher, product manager for our wind resource assessment (WRA) line, to get answers to the most common questions. Q: Why is data security important? Michael: ...
By NRG Systems
Measuring Offshore Wind Resources
To select the right offshore wind site, estimate the future energy output of a wind farm, and determine the best layout for the turbines, project developers must conduct wind resource assessment (WRA) campaigns on site. This is a critical phase of the successful development of wind farms. WRA campaigns on terrestrial sites have traditionally been performed using meteorological towers equipped ...
By NRG Systems
Power curve measured and verified – Case Study
In 2010 RSE SpA (Energy System Research Inc.) within a Program Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development started a measurement campaign on a Libellula wind plant installed in Tuscany. The campaign lasted 1 ½ years and during this time RSE measured the turbine’s power curve following the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard ( EN 61400-12-1 – EN 61400-2). ...
By Aria srl
We learn how to finance a renewable energy project
At the 12th annual Canadian-German wind and solar energy conference, it's all about dollars and cents It’s no secret that the Germans have done a lot right when it comes to renewable power. They have some of the highest renewable capacity in the world! So, for a fledgling renewable market like Alberta, the 12th Annual Canadian-German Wind and Solar Energy Conference, held March 23 in ...
How can we ensure the race for clean energy doesn’t leave the world’s poorest citizens behind?
As in other places around the world, Mexico’s wind boom runs the risk of bypassing the poor, which is why we need new global standards. Wind power is booming in Mexico. With more than 3,200 megawatts in operation, the country is on par with Japan. By 2018 it expects to have 10,000 MW installed as part of the government’s Climate Action Plan. Promising, right? Scratch the surface of ...
By Ensia
A small island in the Indian Ocean offers big lessons on clean power
The Indonesian island Sumba is working to provide 100% renewable electricity to all 650,000 residents by 2025. As the sun sets on the small Indonesian island of Sumba, Danga Beru Haba begins weaving under the glow of a single incandescent lightbulb, the only one in her home. Although she is tired from working dawn to dusk in the fields surrounding her village of Kampung Kalihi, the sarong she is ...
By Ensia
EC support for UK power link raises Ireland’s offshore export potential
The European Commission (EC) announced November 18 it had given priority status to ISLES, a cluster of Irish Sea grid projects which would transmit power from proposed Irish offshore wind farms to the UK grid. There are currently five Irish offshore windfarm projects for a total 2.6 GW of capacity. The inclusion of ISLES in the EC’s list of “projects of common interest” allows ...
Green Acres, the largest solar farm in Western Canada
Hutterite colony invests in solar for business reasons You’ve seen them before, though they don’t tend to stand out. Hutterites—women in bright coloured, identical dresses and men in somber, dark jackets and hats. They’re almost always at the farmer’s market on a Saturday morning selling fresh eggs, carrots and potatoes. This quaint image of a quiet people is a ...
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