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Battery Charging Product Applications

13 applications found
  • e-mobility is here to stay

    EXPERTISE AND CONVENIENCE We work with charging stations that are easy to use and offer optimum convenience - for users and installers alike. Fast charging, smart visualisation and communication, compatibility and smart management make the difference ...

    By Allimex Green Power bv based in Heusden-Zolder, BELGIUM.

  • Aluminium-Air Technology for Distributed Generation

    Long Duration Offers up to days and weeks of energy independence. Long Standby Can standby for years without losing performance. Available & Flexible Supports the grid by balancing intermittent energy sources. Zero Emission Keeps urban spaces clean. Cost-Effective Simple and abundant materials allow for low cost solutions. Safe & Quiet Great for residential neighborhoods and in-door ...

    By Phinergy based in Lod,, ISRAEL.

  • Specialty Minerals for Mobile Energy

    With a unique portfolio of synthetic and natural graphite powders, conductive carbon blacks and custom-designed dispersions, Imerys is the leader in highly conductive carbon based solutions for mobile energy. Our graphite and carbon black products are consistently the high-performance conductive additives of choice for lithium-ion batteries, alkaline batteries, advanced lead acid batteries, zinc-carbon batteries, fuel cells and battery can ...

    By Imerys based in Paris, FRANCE.

  • Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure

    Electric mobility will play a key role in the future energy system in Germany. A growing share of renewable energy will increasingly be used to electrify the future transport sector. Electric vehicles will therefore have a big impact on the electricity grid. Germany has set itself the goal of becoming the leading market and provider for electric mobility by 2020 as part of its longterm zero emission mobility vision. Although the electric mobility market is still small in absolute terms, domestic demand for ...

    By Germany Trade & Invest based in Berlin, GERMANY.

  • Energy Storage

    EDLC(Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor) is mainly used for energy storage rather than a component in an electric circuit. It is mainly used in energy smoothing and momentary-load devices. EDLC is used in KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) devices used in vehicles and other applications where fast charging is required. ...

    By IndoCarb Corporation Inc based in Pittsburgh, PENNSYLVANIA (USA).

  • Battery Materials for Energy Industry

    Electric vehicle consumers desire increased range and fast charging to get back on the road quickly. Storing more energy relative to weight and volume and accepting higher charge rates increase the requirements for material performance, stability, and safety. Wider EV adoption demands improved material utilization along the supply ...

    By Meta Materials Inc. (META) based in Dartmouth, NOVA SCOTIA (CANADA).

  • Hydrogen Production and Distribution Equipment for Hydrogen Mobility

    The transport sector depends almost entirely on fossil fuels, and is responsible for over 20% of the world’s CO2 emissions. In this context, hydrogen has established itself as a clean alternative for significantly reducing air pollution resulting from the transport sector, by eliminating pollutants and CO2 emissions. It offers users a performance similar to that of “traditional” ...

    By McPhy Energy S.A. based in Grenoble, FRANCE.

  • Boost Charger for Retail Industry

    FreeWire’s ultrafast Boost Charger unlocks space-efficient and cost-effective ultrafast EV charging with lower installation and operational costs for an attractive return on investment. The fully-integrated charger operates using a low-voltage grid connection, which allows for deployment 6X faster than conventional solutions with minimal business disruption. Easy to relocate or scale as driver demand grows, the battery-integrated unit boosts power from the grid to charge EVs, and reduces energy costs while ...

    By FreeWire Technologies based in Newark, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Software Solution for Fleet Management

    Comprehensive Fleet Management Solutions that are designed to help businesses streamline ...

    By Evnity - EV Charging Management Software based in Ahmedabad, INDIA.

  • Software Solution for Business Charging

    Evnity is your trusted partner in revolutionizing Business Charging Services, providing a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of service ...

    By Evnity - EV Charging Management Software based in Ahmedabad, INDIA.

  • Two-phase Cooling Technologies for Batteries Industry

    Advancements in battery chemistry combined with demanding user needs such as fast charging are resulting in battery packs becoming increasingly difficult to thermally manage. Increased energy density is resulting in higher heat flux. Faster charging speeds are resulting in more heat dissipation. Lifetime is reduced if cells are not kept within 3°C of each ...

    By Calyos based in Belgium, BELGIUM.

  • Increasing the performance of energy storage with graphite materials

    Energy storage is a key topic in terms of sustainable mobility and energy supply. SGL Carbon offers various solutions for the development of energy storage based on specialty graphite. With synthetic graphite as anode material, we already make an important contribution to the higher performance of lithium-ion batteries, while our battery felts and bipolar plates in stationary energy storage devices (so-called redox flow batteries) enable efficient charging and discharging. In addition, our specialty graphite ...

    By SGL Carbon SE based in Wiesbaden, GERMANY.

  • Photovoltaics for Car Dealerships

    Generate electricity for your car dealership with a photovoltaic system! Your own solar electricity is cheaper than electricity from the public grid. Modern modular power storage systems optimize and complement your own consumption. Take your car dealership on the road to electromobility and provide suitable electricity infrastructure for your ...

    By EnergieKonzepte Schiffer GmbH & Co. KG based in Paderborn, GERMANY.

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