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Thermal Batteries Software

3 software items found
  • based in POLAND

    The unique feature of Q-Bat is its speed and 3-D accuracy. A transient simulation of an entire EV battery pack for the complete driving or charging profile goes within a few minutes on a desktop computer. And it produces 3-D temperature distribution like a CFD solver. Using Q-Bat means: real-time simulation of the entire EV battery pack, finite element formulation of the heat transfer problem, ...

  • GT-AutoLion is the industry-leading lithium-ion battery simulation software used by cell designers and OEMs to predict performance, degradation, and safety for any Lithium-ion cell. It predictively models the electrochemical processes within Lithium-ion cells using a fast and reliable, electrochemical, physics-based ...

  • based in SPAIN

    Modeling batteries requires different levels of detail depending on the purpose of the simulations. The Battery Design Module is an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software that encompasses descriptions over a large range of scales, from the detailed structures in the battery's porous electrode to the battery pack scale including thermal management systems. The descriptions involve physics ...

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