Aqua~Media International Ltd.

Aqua~Media International Ltd.

Africa 2013 - Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa


Ethiopia is the ideal venue for AFRICA 2013. The Government has made water resources development a major priority, and the country has a vast hydropower potential, the second largest in Africa, of which only about 4 per cent has been developed.

Event Type:
Apr. 16-18, 2013
African Union Congress Centre
Addis Ababa , Ethiopia


High level panel discussions will focus in depth on development potential and plans for four major African river basins: the Nile, the Congo, Zambezi and the Niger.

Plenary sessions will include keynote addresses with lectures on subjects including:

Integrated regional development, and issues relating to trans-boundary waterways

  • Hydro potential, development activities and priorities
  • Climate change analysis and mitigation of extreme climatic events
  • Financial and economic issues
  • Environment and sustainability issues, including sedimentation management
  • Social issues and public awareness

Paper presentations will cover: planning tools; multipurpose storage schemes; innovative technology; hydropower equipment; management of large construction sites; safety

A post-Conference tour will give delegates a chance to visit the Gibe I and II schemes in operation, on the Omo river, and the 1870 MW Gibe III scheme currently under construction. These schemes together form the Gibe-Omo cascade.

AFRICA 2013 Exhibition Information

A major Technical Exhibition will take place alongside the AFRICA 2013 Conference, at which international consultants, developers, contractors and suppliers will showcase their expertise in the fields of water infrastructure, hydropower equipment, monitoring systems, planning software, powerplant components and many other things. The leading professional associations in the field of water and energy will also display information.

Exhibition space is generally sold in units of 6 m2 (with some larger and smaller units available this year) and includes panelling, a table, two chairs, spotlights, flooring and a company name sign. Lunch and refreshments will be served each day in the Exhibition Halls, to ensure that international participants have plenty of time to visit the exhibitors. Various opportunities will also be available to sponsor or co-sponsor social activities, such as apéritifs, lunches, receptions and coffee breaks.

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