Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLG e.V.)

Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLG e.V.)

EuroTier 2014


With moreexhibitors (2,428)andvisitors (159,896), EuroTier 2012 ended with new record figures. Especially the international attendance of exhibitors (1,146 from 50 countries) and visitors (37,602 from more than 100 countries) was much higher than ever before. Stand booking for EuroTier 2014 (including EnergyDecentral) opens today. Take advantage of the opportunity to answer questions put by highly qualified expert visitors about animal husbandry or decentralized energy supply issues and to present your products and services in Hanover from 11 to 14 November 2014:

Event Type:
Trade Show/Exhibition
Nov. 11-14, 2014
Hanover , Germany

How does it work?:

How does it work?:

Data privacy protection and data security are our top priority which is why we have decided that to order via the OnlineService, users must first registerwith us. As soon as we receive your registration, DLG will immediately issue you with a password necessary for the log-in. You can then process your stand rental application or order the services you require. You would like to rent the same stand you had at EuroTioer 2012? Our OnlineService provides you with the data from the last exhibition at a mouse-click.

As of May 2014 you will be able to order all services (electricity, water etc.) online. By using OnlineService you recognise the Exhibition Regulations and the provisions contained therein.

EUROTIER 2014: Important dates at a glance

EUROTIER 2014: Important dates at a glance
  • The next EUROTIER will be held from 11 to 14 November 2014.
  • Stand booking forms will be dispatched to exhibitors at the beginning of November 2013.
  • Deadline for stand bookings: 1 February 2014

If you are interested in taking a stand at EUROTIER 2014 and would like to be included in our database, simply contact us. We will then send you the stand booking forms in November 2013.

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