Expobioenergia 2013
Expobioenergía 2013, the 8th edition of the international fair specialising in bioenergy, is one of the most important events at international level and it will be held in Valladolid from 22nd to 24th October 2013. The success of latest editions has made Expobioenergía a unique meeting place in the bioenergy industry and a point of reference at international level.
- Event Type:
- Trade Show/Exhibition
- Date:
- Oct. 22-24, 2013
- Venue:
- Feria de Valladolid
- Location:
- Valladolid , Spain
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Expobioenergía has already established itself as an essential date in the diary and offers exhibitors and visitors alike:
- A high level of specialisation
- An eminently practical approach
- A ‘fair with machinery in operation’, a far cry from the typical ‘catalogue fair’
- Business opportunities
- Opening up to an international market
- Personal treatment
Who Exhibits
The entire bioenergy value chain.
- Agricultural Energetic Crops; woody biomass, agrofuels.
- Producers and distributors of agricultural and forestry biomass.
- Technology and machinery in exploitation of biomass.
- Producers and distributors of biofuels, biogas.
- Automobiles with biofuels.
- Pellet production plants
- Large-scale energy production.
- District-Heating.
- Cogeneration: Heat and electricity.
- Electrical generation industrial equipment.
- Industrial boilers.
- Domestic boilers.
- Heaters, hearths.
- Turnkey biomass plants.
- Transport, storage, logistics.
- Turnkey services.
- Engineering.
- Consultancy.
- R&D&I.
- Technological centres.
- SustainableBuilders and developers.
- Associations.
- Agricultural organizations.
- Energy Agencies.
- Universities.
- Specialist press.
- Investors and financial entities.
A renewable energy source.
Bioenergy is the term which defines the systems to generate energy from biomass.
Biomass is a wide-ranging term which is used to refer to the organic material on the Earth's surface. With regards to energetic purposes, the most suitable biomass is of agricultural or forestal origin. Agricultural residues (straw, pomace, prunings from fruit plants and trees), forestry residue, residue from the wood industry (sawdust, chippings) and energetic crop residue (thistle, sunflower, paulownia), amongst others.
Biomass is used in different ways: generation of heat, cold, electricity and transport. In order to facilitate its use, it is transformed into solid biofuel (pellets, bricks or chips), liquid biofuel (biodiesel or bioethanol) or gaseous biofuel (biogas).
In many regards, biomass can be considered a form of stored solar energy, since plants use this energy to capture CO2 and water through photosynthesis. Moreover, it is a non-fossil fuel, neutral from the point of view of the carbon cycle (natural cycle of the carbon between the earth and the air).
The CO2 emissions which are produced do not, as they are from carbon taken from the atmosphere in the same biological cycle, alter the balance of the concentration of atmospheric carbon, and hence do not increase the greenhouse effect. Its use contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, whenever it replaces a fossil fuel.
The benefits deriving from the consumption of bioenergy are:
- Bioenergy is a renewable energy with a guaranteed future, and is environmentally friendly since it respects the natural balance of the atmosphere and thus contributes to the fulfilment of the Kyoto Protocol.
- It is produced locally, leading to the creation of employment in the countryside, thus helping to keep communities in these areas together.
- It allows us to reduce our dependency on fossil resources, since the Iberian peninsular has sufficient raw materials to produce it.
- The production of Biomass leads to cleaner forests, thus helping to reduce the risk of forest fires.
- Biomass opens up new horizons for agriculture. The energetic crops used in the production of biofuels constitute a future alternative in our spheres.
- It reduces the greenhouse effect since during combustion only the amount of CO2 captured by the plant during growth is released.
In short, Bioenergy combines the values of modern energy: advanced, convenient, cheaper and environmentally friendly.
Why Exhibit?
Expobioenergía is the fair which represents the entire bioenergy value chain.
When the exhibitors were given the opportunity to evaluate their reasons for attending Expobioenergía, they maintained that:
- To sell and make contacts with professional clients in the sector
- To promote and stimulate both Bioenergy and the sector
- To increase the profile of their brand or company
were the most important for them.
The factors highlighted by the exhibitors in the survey as important were:
- “The standard of professional visitors”
- “The highly technological content exhibited”
- “The numbers attending”
- “The organisation in general”
The “important coverage of the fair in the mass media” was shown as another of the attractions for attending Expobioenergía, according to statements from professional exhibitors and visitors.
Expobioenergía is much more than a fair:
- Highly specialised single topic Bioenergy meeting
- Excellent opportunity to establish new professional contacts and commercial agreements
Advantages for the exhibitor:
- Promotion in the main events of the sector on an international level.
- Opening up the Latin American market which needs technology and services.
- Expobioenergía will be the moment to present technological innovations regarding crops, exploitation and energetic assessment of biomass.
- Expobioenergía offers you personalised assistance from people specialising in Bioenergy.
- More contacts in 3 days than in a whole year.
Why visit the Fair?
Expobioenergía is a unique, highly specialised international encounter offering its professional visitors a range of services before, during and after the fair, which enables the following:
- To contact companies and brands.
- To discover the latest products and technological solutions in Bioenergy.
- To open business channels in Europe and Latin America.
- To discover, touch and get a close look at the machinery.
- To attend demonstrations at the Fair.
- To attend forestry demonstrations for biomass use in real working conditions.
- To visit facilities where biofuels are produced and used.
Expobioenergía is much more than a fair and it offers professional visitors a full programme of parallel and complementary activities:
- Round of Talks ‘Active Bioenergy’: European and Latin American Companies.
- International Bioenergy Congress.
- Monographic Sessions on Bioenergy.
- Technological Innovation Awards.
- Professional indoor and outdoor demonstrations on the Fair site
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