Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A (IEG)

Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A (IEG)


Key Energy - 2021


Key Energy is an international exhibition and conference showcasing technologies, services and integrated solutions that promote and accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy - the main aim of the Green Deal, the strategic plan for sustainable growth launched by the European Union.

Event Type:
Trade Show/Exhibition
Oct. 26-29, 2021
Rimini Expo Centre
Rimini , Italy

Key Energy is an international exhibition and conf...

Key Energy is an international exhibition and conference showcasing technologies, services and integrated solutions that promote and accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy - the main aim of the Green Deal, the strategic plan for sustainable growth launched by the European Union.
  • Renewable energy 
  • Storage and solutions for distributed power generation
  • Energy efficiency applied to industry and building
  • Cogeneration, trigeneration, micro-cogeneration
  • Sustainable City: digital, electric and circular
  • Sustainable mobility

Key Energy is Europe’s comprehensive event comprising renewable energy, energy storage systems, energy efficiency, urban regeneration, sustainable mobility, lighting and smart grids.

A wide range of conferences make Key Energy a must-attend event in terms of training and professional updating, focusing on:
  • Emerging markets and international contexts
  • New business tools (PPAs energy communities, market design)
  • Technological innovation and market trends
  • Energy integration models
  • Regulatory framework of the energy sector, development opportunities and critical issues

KEY ENERGY is not only a showcase, but also an opportunity for energy professionals to meet and share their knowledge with the sector’s key players, as well as benefit from updates and training.

The conferences and workshops programme is organized by a Scientific Committee that includes all relevant institutions and industrial associations, as well as technical/scientific and civil society organisations.

The 2020 conference programme will focus on technological innovations, financial models and organisational solutions that will help Italy reach the ambitious 2030 European targets.

A major focus will be placed upon the challenges and opportunities that Italian companies will face in the international market, while international investors will get a thorough insight on the Italian market.

The Numbers of the Last Edition

  • 10.400 attendees
  • + 65 events, including conferences, workshops and training courses
  • +500 speakers.

Focus Areas

  • Wind

Wind turbines for on- and off-shore, floating wind technology, components, energy producers, solutions for revamping and re-powering the existing park, O&M, Asset and finance, Developers. In collaboration with ANEV (Italy’s National Association of Wind Energy).

  • Solar & Storage

Photovoltaics, inverters, thermodynamic solar, components, solutions for O&M&P (revamping and re-powering), energy storage technologies, smart grids.

  • Energy Efficiency

Cogeneration, trigeneration, micro-cogeneration, geothermal energy and heat pumps, digitalisation and energy management systems, ESCO, EPC contractors, energy trading.  

  • Sustainable City: Digital, Electric and Circular

Systems and technologies for digitalisation, smart cities, electric and integrated mobility, efficient lighting, security, risk management, IoT, smart building, utilities.

Key Energy Digital Green Weeks


Digital Green Weeks are five virtual appointments devised by Ecomondo - Key Energy, offering a rich programme of events and business meetings, to guide you through the new ecological and energy transition scenarios and towards the physical show set to take place later this year.

Five unmissable opportunities for networking, B2B meetings and conventions, when the energy transition community can forge virtual relationships and discuss topical themes, ahead of seeing each other again at the show in October.

The first week is about to start, sign now! See you on the platform from 23 to 25 March with the Green Revolution & Energy Transition Week!

Why Exhibit

  • In order to be key players in our future cities, developing new business relations and new business models, not only within the Italian market, but also in Mediterranean countries and beyond, is crucial. 
  • To meet a professional and profiled target market
  • To exploit networking opportunities with the sector’s key players
  • To keep informed about technologies, legislative aspects, development trends and new emerging markets
  • To be part of a community, that of green technologies and services, to create critical mass and position oneself as a speaker of reference with the institutions

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