Institute Brazilian Petroleum (IBP)

Institute Brazilian Petroleum (IBP)

Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference


The Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, organized by IBP – Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute, is the largest oil and gas event in Latin America, held every two years at Riocentro Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro . Since its first edition in 1982, the event has been collaborating in the consolidation of Rio de Janeiro as “Brazil’s oil capital”, since the state concentrates 80% of country’s production and 50% of gas production. Its magnitude expresses the strength of our industry and makes it an important tool for different agents that act directly or indirectly in the industry to promote their products and services, as well as expose and defend their theses and interests.

Event Type:
Oct. 24-27, 2016
Rio de Janeiro , Brazil

For this year’s edition, scheduled for the p...

For this year’s edition, scheduled for the period 24-27 October, at Riocentro, we are planning new content and formats for the Exhibition and Congress.

With the motto: Paths to a competitive oil industry, Congress will foster debate on oil and gas industry main issues in this current scenario of new prices and disruptive technologies and also a national economic crisis.

We will still count on the participation of companies of all areas in the production chain, ensuring greater legitimacy and representativeness in the planned discussions.

IBP launches officially Rio Oil & Gas 2016

Cocktail gathers industry biggest names at the institute’s headquarters

The Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (IBP) launched officially Rio Oil & Gas 2016 on last Thursday, at a cocktail party held at its headquarters in downtown Rio.

On the occasion, that brought together industry biggest names, IBP presented Congress and Exhibition innovations for the 18th edition of the event, to be held in the period 24-27 October, at Riocentro, in Rio de Janeiro.

The event was launched by IBP president, Jorge Camargo, the organization general secretary, Milton Costa Filho, besides Rio Oil & Gas 2016 chairs for the exhibition, organization and technical committees, Joao Carlos de Luca, Renato Bertani and José Formigli.

During the launching, the president of the IBP said that Rio Oil & Gas 2016 will represent oil and gas industry resumption in Brazil, which is paralyzed by a domestic crisis and the oil price fall in the international arena.

“In this time of crisis, the role of IBP becomes even more relevant. So I have no doubt that Rio Oil & Gas will represent the resumption of our oil industry. And our next cycle will be even brighter”, he said.

Rio Oil & Gas is the largest Oil & Gas event in Latin America, whose size shows the industry strength. In 2014, the meeting gathered more than 3,500 delegates, about 1,000 exhibitors and 47,000 visitors. It is also the largest business conference in Rio de Janeiro.

WPC Future Leaders Forum takes place along with Rio Oil & Gas 2016

Young professionals and future leaders in the oil & gas industry have a date and venue set to meet. The international meeting WPC Future Leaders Forum (FLF), held in Brazil for the first time, will take place on 26 and 27 October this year in Rio de Janeiro, along with the Rio Oil & Gas 2016, at the RioCentro Conventions Center.

The FLF is one of the events that will be promoted in the 18th edition of the Rio Oil & Gas, which focuses on cross-platform format to bring together the entire supply chain of the industry in the greatest meeting of the oil and gas sector in Latin America, one of the world’s leading and the biggest business convention in Rio de Janeiro.

Established in 2004 by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the largest entity of the sector in the world, FLF will be organized by the IBP in Brazil and will bring together professionals, executives and managers from all over the world for discussions on leadership, technology, innovation and sustainability in the sector. It is a traveling event that has been to countries such as China, France, India and Canada.

FLF’s theme for this edition is Game changers: new leaders for a new competitive energy industry. In the last event, held in 2013 in Calgary, Canada, the forum received 130 lecturers and 1,500 delegates from over 60 countries.

Would you like to participate in the debates? Write down in your agenda: registration will be available in March!

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