The Energy Expo 2021, in warm MIAMI! Presenting Equipment, Technologies, Products & Know-how for the SOLAR PV, SOLAR THERMAL, ENERGY STORAGE, HVAC, LIGHTING, SMART BUILDINGS & CLEAN TRANSPORTATION industries. MAJOR PROGRAM with Exhibits, VIP Sessions, English & Spanish Tracks, "Hora Loca" Party and more...The EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL HUB between North American & Worldwide Manufacturers & Distributors with Buyers, Professionals, Dealers, Operators, Contractors and Potential Reps. from LATIN AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN and UNITED STATES. 40+ countries under one roof!A Bilingual Tradeshow & Conference: In MIAMI, THE AMERICAS Business Capital!
- Event Type:
- Trade Show/Exhibition
- Date:
- Aug. 24-26, 2021
- Venue:
- Miami Airport Convention Center
- Location:
- Miami , FL , USA
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