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Fossil Energy Product Applications For The Energy Industry

52 applications found
  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for power generation

    Power plants are expected to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Downtime and equipment derating (when a generator fails to deliver power at its rated capacity) can cost a power plant thousands of dollars per hour. The cost of replacing failed equipment is also extremely high. Vibration analysis by itself is not enough to anticipate catastrophic failures. Oil analysis is often able to detect problems at a much earlier stage than vibration analysis. This is why more and more power plants are bringing oil ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Water Treatment Equipments for Power Industry

    Drought in association with competing uses for clean water are continuing to challenge power generation facilities worldwide. In addition to this fact, power generation companies face additional challenges including finding innovative ways to be more operationally efficient while meeting tighter environmental standards and ...

    By Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. based in Maitland, FLORIDA (USA).

  • Premium

    Gas detection in energy industry

    Gas detection requirements for power generation can vary widely based on the fuel source, which includes coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear. Regardless of the type of power facility, gas, fire and other hazards pose significant risk to employee safety and also can disrupt the supply of energy to commercial and residential customers. At Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection, our wide range of gas detection products meets the needs of all forms of power generation. Our century of experience, combined with advanced system ...

    By Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection based in Arras Cedex, FRANCE.

  • Diesel Fuel Flow Meters

    Diesel Fuel flow meters are digital flow meters for liquid fuel consumption measurement. Most widely used types are mechanical and digital inline fuel meters. Differential flow sensors are avilable. Like: the turbine, positive displacement (oval gear), ...

    By Sino-Inst based in Xian, CHINA.

  • Industrial gas turbines for power generation solutions

    Gas Turbine Power Generation ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Flue gas cleaning solutions for power generation sector

    Flue gas cleaning solutions for power generation ...

    By Fingo-Complex based in Moscow, RUSSIA.

  • Heat recovery from industrial processes

    The Organic Rankine Cycle, for its intrinsical characteristics – first of all, the low temperature required for operation – is optimally suited to be used as the basis for heat recovery systems, designed to turn uselessly wasted heat into a valuable ...

    By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.

  • Filtration systems & solutions for energy sector

    Porvair Filtration Group have supplied a comprehensive range of filtration and separation products to the energy market for many years. We supply all major sectors of the power generation, distribution and supply industry, and our technology is used over a wide range of applications. These include, but are not limited to, the distribution of natural gas, conditioning and treatment of fuel oils, hydrocarbons and produced water, clean coal technologies, gasification and fuel cell technology. Our unrivalled ...

    By Porvair - Filtration Group based in Fareham, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Hydrogen gas solutions for grid balancing sector

    Decarbonising the production of hydrogen, enabling a green transport fuel for trains. The ongoing trend to deploy more renewable power sources is a positive step towards reducing dependency on fossil fuels, but it causes some big issues for electricity grid operators. Balancing the grid is becoming more challenging, because renewables are increasing the temporal mismatch between supply and demand on all timescales. Conventional grid balancing techniques cause CO2 emissions (ramping up a gas or coal power plant), ...

    By ITM Power based in Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Solutions for water treatment in the energetic and chemical industry

    Energy and Chemistry are interrelated with Water. To generate fuel and electricity, through extraction of coal, oil and gas, and through geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear and to a lesser degree, solar and wind plants, the water consumption footprint is significant. Needless to mention that the extraction, processing and transformation of raw materials also require a major water ...

    By Salher based in Madrid, SPAIN.

  • Industrial power solutions for the coal-fired sector

    Without controls, the combustion of solid fuel (coal) to generate power results in the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, mercury, lead, cadmium, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and arsenic. This is why it is critically important for solid fuel power plants to comply with stringent environmental standards by utilizing the optimal technologies for emissions management, environmental air pollution control, and fluid handling and ...

    By CECO Environmental based in Dallas, TEXAS (USA).

  • Continuous Gravimetric Feeding for the Power Industry

    Bulk material handling in coal-fired power plants and all associated sectors of industry is big business. The work is highly sought after, fiercely bargained for and stable – in terms of future-proofing. The market-leading solutions for weighing, feeding and automating in the field come from Schenck Process whose products are amongst the most reliable in the industry. The well-engineered IC Power product range includes everything from components to complete systems for bulk material handling at all process ...

    By Seid based in Sandnes, NORWAY.

  • Heat recovery from engines

    Diesel engines typically convert no more than 33% of the energy contained in their fuel> in mechanical energy; about 25% of the energy input ends up in the cooling circuit and 33% in the exhaust gases (source: SAE ). So, it is evident how any intervention having the purpose of recovering at least a part of that large waste of energy is ...

    By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.

  • Feed-in tariffs while avoiding low price periods

    Biomass energy from gasification, when done responsibly with waste wood or suitable agricultural waste such as nut shells, is often eligible for feed-in tariffs. However, biomass gasification has the advantage of being on-demand, so you can feed renewable energy onto the grid at times when wind and solar are not abundant, enabling you to avoid times when prices are too low due to an excess of wind or solar power being fed to the ...

    By All Power Labs based in Berkeley, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Waste Conversion System for Energy Industry

    Ecogensus fuel is designed to replace coal, including for large volume users such as coal power stations. Ecogensus works with strategic developers, licensees and industry partners, who in turn can aggregate supply from multiple facilities. Ecogensus has deep expertise in combustion and plant conversion to alternative fuels. We support fuel customers in their evaluation and transition-planning processes as well as enhancing plant operations and improving ...

    By Ecogensus LLC based in Hartford, CONNECTICUT (USA).

  • Processing of Alternative Fuels for the energy industry

    RDF is a fuel that is normally produced from waste with high calorific value. The original waste comes from households, industry and commerce and is processed for energy extraction; it is meant for co-incineration plants and replaces standard fuels (e.g. coal) in production plants for cement, power plants or other co-incineration ...

    By Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH based in Spittal/Drau, AUSTRIA.

  • Alternative Fuel Production for Energy / Substitute Fuel Production for Energy

    Being driven by new legislation, the production of substitute fuel/alternative fuel will be gain momentum in the next few years, as well as the expected increase of recycling rate in municipalities. This means a lot of waste streams can be turned into alternative fuel for the coal fired power plant, cement and lime industry, biomass power plant, or other industrial boiler systems that still burning fossil ...

    By eFACTOR3 LLC based in Pineville, NORTH CAROLINA (USA).

  • VOC abatement equipments for power generation & distribution

    Create more efficient power ...

    By Munters based in Amesbury, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Measurement and control systems for the heat & steam technology

    Reduction of perating costs: The increased energy costs over the last years have made investments towards heat recovery solutions not only cost effective but profitable. With the support and input of our employees and our technical know how, are improvements and solutions concerning heat recovery become ...

    By IGEMA GmbH based in Münster, GERMANY.

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