Fossil Energy Product Applications In Latin America
Machine condition monitoring for municipalities
Overview Cities and towns are often responsible for maintaining critical assets such as water and wastewater treatment facilities and power generation plants. Oil analysis on this critical equipment as part of a robust maintenance program is a very cost effective way of failure avoidance. Additionally, greater emphasis on environmental conservation and a focus on delivering critical services while operating under reduced budgets leads municipalities to activate these programs. Spectro oil analysis solutions are ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Incinerator solutions for the mining / exploration sector
As operations continue to expand to more and more remote locations, the need for a safe, effective and compliant waste disposal solution for mining companies is clear. At Inciner8, our range of incinerators are perfectly suited to mining waste. In recent years, mining operations have been spreading around the world, with attention turning to a wide range of raw materials – including cobalt, uranium and titanium. But as mining has increased, so too have the regulations around it. To comply with strict ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in Chaguanas, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO.
Water Treatment Equipments for Power Industry
Drought in association with competing uses for clean water are continuing to challenge power generation facilities worldwide. In addition to this fact, power generation companies face additional challenges including finding innovative ways to be more operationally efficient while meeting tighter environmental standards and ...
By Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. Office in Ñuñoa, CHILE.
Machine condition monitoring for engine testing and development
Engine manufacturers use Spectro Scientific oil analysis instruments to assist in engine testing during new product development, testing engines during manufacturing run-in, and for qualifying new lubricants. Engines include: Gasoline and diesel automobile engines. Truck and other high speed diesel engines. Medium speed diesel engines such as those used for locomotives, marine and power generation. Extremely large low speed diesel engines for marine propulsion and power generation. Motorcycle engines. High ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Machine condition monitoring for aviation, aerospace & airlines
Overview Oil analysis has long been practiced for aircraft engines and other airborne oil-wetted systems such as hydraulic systems and gear boxes in helicopters. Military organizations are perhaps the number one users of oil analysis testing and commercial aviation also has a long history of oil analysis. A number of airlines throughout the world do their own oil analysis, but in many cases they send samples to commercial oil laboratories. Engine manufacturers also do oil analysis as part of engine development ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Machine condition monitoring for power generation
Power plants are expected to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Downtime and equipment derating (when a generator fails to deliver power at its rated capacity) can cost a power plant thousands of dollars per hour. The cost of replacing failed equipment is also extremely high. Vibration analysis by itself is not enough to anticipate catastrophic failures. Oil analysis is often able to detect problems at a much earlier stage than vibration analysis. This is why more and more power plants are bringing oil ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical insulating oils
Introduction One of the most widespread liquid electrical insulating materials is transformer oil. It is used to fill the pores in the fiber insulation and the space between the windings, thereby increasing the dielectric strength of the insulation and improving the heat removal from the windings and the core of a ...
By Lumex Instruments Distributor in COLOMBIA.
Machine condition monitoring for biofuels
Overview The use of ethanol as a gasoline additive has increased dramatically over the past few years and will likely continue to increase. For fuel blenders, this means an added challenge to avoid an incorrect blend that could lead to regulatory fines, loss of customer confidence and damage to equipment. A quick on-site analysis with a portable mid-infrared based analyzer, such as the InfraCal 2 Ethanol Blend Analyzer shown in the photo, can help fuel blenders quickly flag out-of-spec product and ensure the ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Measuring the Biofuel Blend Ratio in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
As more mandates for a minimum of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel come into effect, major oil companies are blending higher percentages of biofuels at their terminals. A quick analytical measurement method to assess the blend ratio can be a valuable asset for fuel distributors, engine manufacturers, fleet operators, and regulatory agencies. The InfraCal Biodiesel and Ethanol Blend Analyzers offer a quick way to verify that fuel blends are on spec. They are ideal for use for non-technical personnel and ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
International testing for biofuels
Sustainable use of biofuels requires reliable and precise analytical methods throughout – from the choice of raw materials through to process optimization and on to the compliant final product. As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, we are quite aware of these challenges. ...
By Metrohm AG Office in CABA, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Incinerator solutions for the pharmaceutical sector
Pharmaceuticals are now shown to be found in surface, ground, and drinking waters around the world. This could create some potentially damaging environmental effects. Minuscule concentrations of chemicals known as endocrine disruptors, often found in pharmaceuticals, are having detrimental effects on aquatic animals and possibly on human health and ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in Chaguanas, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO.
Analytical Instruments for Chemical Analysis of Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels
Learn about Analytik Jena's elemental analysis techniques for the determination of metal and non-metal elements, e.g., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, in renewable bio- and secondary derived fuels and their variable source materials. The methods described are ideal for process control and adaptation, the quality control of final products and legal limit adherence, such as TS legal limits for ...
By Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Company Distributor in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aire, ARGENTINA.
Asphalt production - monitoring solutions for process optimization & energy saving
Asphalt plants deal with a harsh environment and are subject to great mechanical and thermal constraints. Process monitoring and optimization is becoming an increasingly important issue for plants, especially in terms of energy savings. ...
By ENVEA Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Machine condition monitoring for racing
Grand Prix racing utilizes cutting-edge high performance engines operation at extreme RPMs and temperatures. To keep the very valuable engines operational and competitive requires a team of mechanics paying careful attention to the engine and lubricant condition. To support this, engine condition monitoring based on oil analysis has become a widely practiced technique by Formula One racing teams. Not only do the racing teams themselves take Spectro Scientific instruments to races, but the companies that design, ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Incinerators solutions for land installations sector
Atlas Incinerators often supply incinerators to the Power Plant market where a containerised or skid-mounted solution is required. The customer is typically a major generator manufacturer who has to offer a turn-key power plant to a developing country. In such applications our incinerators are required to run 24/7, 365 days per year, burning sludge oil. Other installations have required that our incinerators operate in remote and often harsh environments such as environmental clean up in Congo or The Royal Danish ...
By Atlas Incinerators ApS Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Industrial solutions for hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") as a method to stimulate shallow, hard rock oil wells began in the 1860s. It was used in Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Initial efforts used explosive nitroglycerin in oil, water, and gas wells. Nonexplosive acid for well stimulation was introduced in the 1930s. Acid etching prevented fractures from closing completely, enhancing recovery. The same phenomenon was later discovered with water ...
By WesTech Engineering, LLC Office in São Paulo, BRAZIL.
Coal storage for the energy industry
CST Covers aluminum domes are custom designed around a bulk storage facilities specific clearance requirements, basin configuration and bulk handling equipment. Structurally efficient and lightweight, they maximize bulk storage capacity, minimize foundation costs and provide dependable protection form the elements while remaining virtually maintenance ...
By CST Industries Inc Office in Jardim Mirassol, BRAZIL.
Power generation solutions for renewable energy sector
Solar has a history of supporting renewable fuels, committing research and development toward modifying our turbines to burn various low energy fuels ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Storage and cover solution for bioenergy industry
CST Industries is the world's leading complete storage and cover solution provider for BioEnergy ...
By CST Industries Inc Office in Jardim Mirassol, BRAZIL.
Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry
Solar Turbines provides energy solutions with our gas turbines for power generation, and has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. Our cogeneration products will increase reliability, efficiency and uptime, avoiding production downtime for your brewery, distillery or food processing plant. With the purchase of our products, Solar offers lifecycle support with one of our Long-Term Service options. Using our combined heat and power technology, Solar can help produce steam for your operations and ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
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