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Coal-Fired Boilers Technology Companies

3 companies found
  • HM3 Energy, Inc.
    based in GRESHAM, OREGON (USA)

    HM3 Energy produces biocoal (also known as black pellets) from forest waste and other biomass. HM3 Energy’s patented technology is so energy-efficient and cost-effective, its HM3BiocoalTM is cheaper than white pellets as drop-in coal replacement ...

    HM3Biocoal - Coal Replacement Fuel

    HM3Biocoal - Coal Replacement Fuel

    Carbon neutral HM3BiocoalTM works as drop-in coal replacement fuel to extend the lives of existing powder coal plants. It also provides a more environmentally friendly and superior alternative to the white pellets for the export market for use in ...

  • TIGI
    based in Hod Hasharon, ISRAEL

    TIGI aims to provide environmentaly-friendly and economically attractive solutions for the tremendous need of heat, where and when it is most needed, including in cold climates and demanding applications such as space heating and industrial process ...

  • Beijing SPC Environment Tech. Co., Ltd
    based in Beijing, CHINA

    Beijing Qingxin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a state-level high-tech enterprise specializing in industrial environmental protection, energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources. The company was founded in 2001 and ...

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