Coke Ovens Equipment Supplied In Africa
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN process gas compressors are installed as single or multiple stage units in chemical, petrochemical, raw material and energy producing plants and in many other production centres of the processing industry all over the world. The unit is ideally suited for dry compression of all gases in chemical and petrochemical industries. Technical Data: Suction volume flow up to: 75.000 m³/h, ...
Manufactured by Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientificbased in UNITED KINGDOM
The SNF furnace is designed to test the swelling index number of coal in accordance with the following standard test methods. BS 1016-107.1:1991 Methods for analysis and testing of coal and coke. Caking and swelling properties of coal. Determination of crucible swelling ...
Manufactured by Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientificbased in UNITED KINGDOM
CDHT (Coal Drying High Temperature) and CDLT (Coal Drying Low Temperature) ovens are suitable for drying coal in accordance with the following standards: ASTM D2691 – 01, ASTM D2961 – 01a, ASTM D2961 – 02, ASTM D2961 – 95a, ASTM 3302 / D3302M-10, BS 1016-102:2000, BS 1016-1:1973, BS ISO 13909-1:2001, BS ISO ...
Manufactured by Forney Corporationbased in USA
Forney Parallel Air Flow (PAF) burners are custom engineered for a wide range of heat inputs while providing the flexibility of firing a variety of fuel ...
Manufactured by AMETEK Process Instrumentsbased in USA
Using high-resolution ultraviolet (UV) technology in a dual-beam, multiple-wavelength configuration, the 900 is specifically designed to meet the demanding analytical requirements of modern sulfur recovery processes. Capable of measuring up to four species simultaneously, this air demand analyzer is uniquely capable of monitoring off-ratio applications, providing accurate chemical concentration ...
Manufactured by Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientificbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Detailed information is available in our dedicated Coal, Coke & Iron Ore Testing Furnaces brochure (please download above). Carbolite Gero has developed a range of coal and coke testing furnaces and ovens for proximate analysis to qualitatively assess or, quantitatively measure, the amount of moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon in coal samples. Other products are also available ...
Manufactured by Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientificbased in UNITED KINGDOM
The CAF 16/38 is designed to test coal ash fusibility according to BS ISO 540:2008. The CAF 16/38 requires manual observation and recording of the transition points. In addition, a CAF furnace with automated digital image capture and archiving using Windows compatible software, the Coal Ash Fusibility Test Furnaces CAF G5, is ...
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