Fossil Energy Suppliers In Ireland For University / Academia / Research

3 companies found
  • Clarke Energy
    Office in Newtownmountkennedy, IRELAND

    Clarke Energy is a multinational specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of reciprocating engine based power plants and gas engine compression stations. Our offering ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the turn-key ...

  • Markes International Ltd - a company of the Schauenburg International Group
    Distributor in Little Island, IRELAND

    Markes International is a specialist manufacturer of instrumentation for detection of trace-level volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs). Markes has a well-deserved reputation for its application expertise in the field of ...

  • Munters
    Distributor in Ballyfermot,, IRELAND

    Munters is the industry leader using Zeolite Rotor Concentrators for low concentration VOC abatement. Munters employs a team of engineers to design the most suitable, low cost solution to your VOC abatement problem. We use our own HoneyCombe rotors ...

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