Gas Combustion Services
Manufactured by Elektro Dinamik Broxbased in TURKEY
SYK 75 3000 Kg/h 75 m2 350 to 20,000 kg / h capacity: 0,5 - 20 bar pressure range of liquid and gas fuel, 3 pass fire smoke tube, 98% efficient Scoch type steam boilers ...
based in ITALY
The technical assistance service plays a fundamental part in supporting SIAD’s manufacturing activities and markets.The size and complexity of the manufacturing plants, the number and sensitivity of equipment installed on customers" premises and the continued development of the firm"s commercial activities has brought about the introduction of an organisational structure dedicated to ...
based in CANADA
Sulfur Recovery Engineering (SRE) has partnered with Virtual Materials Group (VMG), allowing SRE to use the powerful VMG Sulfur Plant simulation software in-field (VMGSim). Using over 20 years of accumulated SRE sulfur unit data, our team is able to accurately model any given SRU. In conjunction with our field results, the models provide important process values such as Reaction Furnace adiabatic ...
based in GERMANY
Gas Grid: gas grid calculation, conductive simulation, systems of fittings and installations, high pressure piping. Gas Surrender Station, Gas Automatic Control System, Plants For Gas ...
Manufactured by United Heat & Power Pte Ltdbased in SINGAPORE
UHP specializes in customized modular Mechanical drive packages for onshore and offshore installations. We select the most suitable drives for your applications. ...
based in USA
Turbine Diagnostic Services has experienced turbine mechanical engineers and mechanical service representatives that are knowledgeable in the mechanical assembly of medium (industrial size), large (utility size) steam turbines, gas turbines, and generators. Turbine Diagnostic Services has an experienced millwright labor force to man contract and forced outage services. Our crew is turbine ...
Distributed by Kraft Power Corporationbased in USA
Kraft Power offers maintenance contracts that are tailored to our customers’ specific requirements, and with the addition of a 24-hour emergency service, problems can be solved quickly and efficiently. We offer planned maintenance services in accordance with manufacturers recommendations to help your system operate at peak performance and efficiency. Full reports are sent to the customer ...
Manufactured by Positronics Indiabased in INDIA
Owing to the expertise of our deft technical experts, we are betrothed in providing Automation Turnkey Projects services to the clients. These services are ideal for process plants, refineries, oil gas plants, factories and many more. In these projects our team of experts performs all manufacturing, programming and testing works. Our experienced professionals offer these services with the help of ...
based in USA
Natural Gas is a green energy resource that can help our nation become less dependent on foreign oil supplies, and help the world reduce carbon emissions. In the United States, there is an increasing trend in power generation and utility companies switching to natural gas, while developing weather dependent renewable energy technologies like solar and wind ...
Manufactured by Caloric Anlagenbau GmbHbased in GERMANY
CALORIC provides on-site service and maintenance personnel to customers who need skilled assistance for the reliable operation of their gas generating and incineration plants. We provide a wide range of services starting from basic mechanical works e.g. exchange of catalyst up to challenging PLC migrations for the complete control ...
based in USA
Sizable ESG Benefits, Material Financial Impact, & Preservation of the Commodity; Sapphire’s fleet of mobile natural gas compressors capture methane during pipeline maintenance events, reducing or eliminating methane emissions due to venting or flaring. This service provides real sustainability benefits for our customers. Sapphire can preserve the commodity during planned or unplanned ...
Manufactured by GasTeh d.o.o.based in SERBIA
GasTeh engineering team constructs all types of thermo-technical, thermal power and gas plants and installations on “turnkey” basis. We are engaged in the preparation of bids, control of design documentation, preparation of documentation for the handover of a building and supervision of the execution of the ...
Manufactured by Biomass Heating Solutions Limited (BHSL)based in IRELAND
From the beginning, bhsl have strived to supply customers with a service and not just sell boilers. The bhsl technology breakthrough may be applied to a wide variety of renewable fuels that previously would not have been considered for combustion. The high ash content of these fuels is especially hard wearing on plant equipment and as such bhsl have become experts in operating and maintaining ...
Manufactured by Steinmüller Babcock Environment GmbHbased in GERMANY
Repairs from one source: the right one; Based on our many years of extensive experience in detailed planning and construction for waste incineration and flue gas cleaning plants, we can provide you with quick support in all conceivable repair cases. ...
Manufactured by GBT-BÜCOLIT GmbHbased in GERMANY
In the case of flue-gas scrubbing in power stations and waste incineration plants, plant components are contaminated with corrosive ...
Wood Group's concept and FEED services provide a solid foundation for any project.Mirage Concept Design At Wood Group, we believe in doing things right the first time. Which is why our comprehensive concept and front-end engineering design (FEED) studies are conducted by applying standardised procedures and best practices. After all, this critical project stage lays the groundwork for follow-on ...
by CSA Groupbased in CANADA
Quickly demonstrate your product’s regulatory compliance when certification isn’t possible or practical. Overcome unique challenges to certification and bring your product to market with field evaluation ...
based in USA
This report provides detailed information on ethanol and biodiesel projects in the United States. A monthly update brings you all the latest information on this dynamic market worldwide. Biofuels People provides the ...
based in USA
Kargo Energy Services is a leading provider of Engineering and Consulting services in the energy industry. Our senior management team has many years of collective experience in the energy, oil, and gas industry. Together we have successfully completed many engineering design and construction management projects including delivery and servicing of major power generation plants ...
based in USA
The need for new carbon-sequestration technologies has increased due to concerns about global warming and potential regulations requiring the sequestration of CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel-fired power-generating stations. Specifically, technologies are needed that will allow the carbon dioxide in flue gas to be separated from the nitrogen and other gas species in preparation for its compression, ...
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