Gas Power Generation Product Applications
Gas monitoring during industrial process
EM-5 CEMS Coal power plant: Entrance of SCR denitration device, NOx O2 Exit of SCR denitration device: Measure remanet NH3 after reaction and avoid blocking by crystallization, NH3; Calculate denitrification rate with Nox input, NOx O2 Gas-fired power plant: Counting tail gas emission and realtime concentration, NOx O2 SO2 Temperature pressure flow dust ...
By Hangzhou Chunlai Technology CO., Ltd. based in Hangzhou, CHINA.
Water and Wastewater Treatment for Biogas
Anaerobic digestion is widely used as a source of renewable energy. The process produces a biogas consisting of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and traces of other “contaminant” gases. This biogas can be used directly in combined heat and power gas engines, or upgraded to natural gas–quality bio methane. The nutrient–rich digestate that is also produced can be used as ...
By Astim A.S. based in Gebze, TURKEY.
Gas detection in energy industry
Gas detection requirements for power generation can vary widely based on the fuel source, which includes coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear. Regardless of the type of power facility, gas, fire and other hazards pose significant risk to employee safety and also can disrupt the supply of energy to commercial and residential customers. At Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection, our wide range of gas detection products meets the needs of all forms of power generation. Our century of experience, combined with advanced system ...
By Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection based in Arras Cedex, FRANCE.
Ultrasound measurement instrumentation solutions for cleaning mechanisms sector
Ultrasonic cleaning relies on the mechanical agitation from sound pressure that disrupts the surface boundary layer to allow particles to detach and flow into the bulk ...
By Onda Corporation based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Gas Detection Solutions for Power Generation Industry
Boreal possess an array of products for the power generation industry from emissions stack monitoring, boiler room monitoring, chloride leak detection, and ammonia slip in deNOX. Boreal’s products are tailor made for coal fired power plants, natural gas fired, and waste-to-energy. Whether gas detection is used for safety, process, or environmental reasons, Boreal has you ...
By Boreal Laser Inc. based in Edmonton, ALBERTA (CANADA).
Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry
Solar Turbines provides energy solutions with our gas turbines for power generation, and has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. Our cogeneration products will increase reliability, efficiency and uptime, avoiding production downtime for your brewery, distillery or food processing plant. With the purchase of our products, Solar offers lifecycle support with one of our Long-Term Service options. Using our combined heat and power technology, Solar can help produce steam for your operations and ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Diesel & Gas Powered Energy Generation for the Mining Industry
By Canamidex International Corp. based in Richmond Hill, ONTARIO (CANADA).
VOC abatement equipments for power generation & distribution
Create more efficient power ...
By Munters based in Amesbury, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Power Plant Coal Fired Boiler Filtration
Dust filter PPS Filter Bags For Coal Fired Boiler Gas ...
By Grace Filter Manufacturing (U.K) Ltd based in Xiaoshan, CHINA.
Aluminium-Air Technology for Electric Transportation
Passenger cars can now run with zero emission while not compromising convenience. Phinergy powered cars offer a similar range to gas powered cars, and they only take five minutes to ...
By Phinergy based in Lod,, ISRAEL.
Industrial gas turbines for power generation solutions
Gas Turbine Power Generation ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Flue gas cleaning solutions for power generation sector
Flue gas cleaning solutions for power generation ...
By Fingo-Complex based in Moscow, RUSSIA.
Hydrogen gas solutions for grid balancing sector
Decarbonising the production of hydrogen, enabling a green transport fuel for trains. The ongoing trend to deploy more renewable power sources is a positive step towards reducing dependency on fossil fuels, but it causes some big issues for electricity grid operators. Balancing the grid is becoming more challenging, because renewables are increasing the temporal mismatch between supply and demand on all timescales. Conventional grid balancing techniques cause CO2 emissions (ramping up a gas or coal power plant), ...
By ITM Power based in Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM.
OxyHydrogen gas generators solutions for power & distribution transformers sector
Quality and safety. Efficiency and innovation. The customers of the power and distribution transformers industry expect not only high quality and performance, but also intelligent solutions to reduce cost, increase production efficiency and being able to adapt to global market conditions. OXYWELD since many years is a reliable partner of many manufacturers and repairers of large and small ...
By Oxyweld S.n.C. based in Sacile, ITALY.
Real Time Gas Temperature Measurement for Power Generation Industry
Real Time Gas Temperature Measurement for Power Generation Industry; Power Station, Waste to Energy and ...
By SEI Europe Technologie SRL based in London, UNITED KINGDOM.
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Technology for Gas engines industry
In the realm of sustainable energy, the efficient use of natural resources is paramount. Triogen's ORC technology brings a transformative solution to the table, especially when integrated with gas engines powered by natural gas or biogas from digestion processes and landfill sites. This collaboration not only drives static cogeneration engines for enhanced power production but also elevates the total electrical output of the plant by up to ...
By Triogen based in Neede, NETHERLANDS.
Defense Solutions for Military and Commercial Applications
The technologies developed at ATGI have deep roots in the Unites States Defense programs. However, these inventions can and have been utilized in many military and commercial ...
By Advanced Technologies Group (ATGI) based in Stuart, FLORIDA (USA).
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Systems for Oil & Gas
Turboden Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) units enable power production (up to 20 MW per single turbine) by recovering excess waste heat from the exhausts of gas turbines or reciprocating engines, or from the hot streams typical in Oil & Gas industry. ORC turbogenerators provide a solution to improving the efficiency of typical Oil & Gas processes, by allowing users to reduce their environmental footprint through converting waste, high-to-low grade heat, into mechanical/electric ...
By Turboden S.p.A based in Brescia, ITALY.
Solar thermal panel solutions for natural resources exploration: responsible resource management at its finest
Mining, forestry, oil, and gas operations require tremendous power, but the job sites are almost exclusively in off-grid areas that are difficult to access. That makes getting power on site an expensive challenge. The Gen-2-O system, with its rugged durability and ability to expand to four or six panels, is an ideal solution for resource exploration scenarios. Plus, using solar-thermal power greatly reduces the impact of resource exploration on the ...
By Power Panel , Inc. based in Oxford, MICHIGAN (USA).
Solutions for heat exchangers energy applications
Our customers use already for decades cooling coils for flue gas cleaning applications by power plants that use fossile energy resources. Tubes from THALETEC increase significantly service life compared with other ...
By THALETEC GmbH based in Thale, GERMANY.
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