Gas Storage Equipment & Supplies In Australasia

162 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in USA

    UIG’s EVERSTORE glass-fused-to-steel tanks are the optimal solution for anaerobic digester applications. Whether mesophilic, thermophilic, pasteurizing or enzymic hydrolysis processes, EVERSTORE and EVERSTORE Hybrid tanks are the industry leader in anaerobic digestion and biogas production for renewable energy ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    These tanks offer sufficient volume to safely store or withdraw even large gas quantities. The digital integrated weighing scales allow to determine the filling weight with an accuracy of up to ±500 ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    The gas dome or gas cover is used first and foremost as the basis for various attachments for digesters, i.e., foam traps, gas extraction units, safety devices, mixers, measurement units etc., and secondly as an access point into the digester. For both applications the gas dome should be adequately dimensioned in order to meet all requirements. ennox gas domes comprise of a base unit with a ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    The GMD series, made by AERZEN, is the universal gastight booster solution for the low pressure range. Equipped with a magnetic coupling, it ensures a maintenance-free sealing concept. Locking systems for sealing the drive shaft are completely eliminated and allow a low-maintenance machine concept. The separation between oil and process side is achieved by a special piston ring ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    For safe storage of gases in gaseous or liquid form. Special features: Connection between the storage tanks via a collecting pipe with solenoid valves. Operation via a touch panel integrated in the control cabinet. Weight indication of the individual storage tanks directly on the tank and additional indication of the individual weights and the total weight on the touch panel. Indication of the ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Foam traps on digesters serve for the visual recognition of foam build-up on the sludge surface. Should foam be detected a spray film is generated through a spraying unit, which eliminates the foam on the surface of the sludge, thus, preventing the ingress of foam into the pipework. ennox foam traps can be delivered either as a manual or fully automatic unit, as well as with an under/over ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    For the temporary storage of bio or sewage gas in a zero pressure environment conforming to the technical norms (DVGW, ÖWAV, SUVA, safety regulations for agricultural biogas systems SWA…). The gas holders are available in various storage capacities ranging from 10 – 7,500m3. The storage of the biogas/sewage gas is made in a cylindrical gas bag which is freely hung in a building ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Inspection windows are used for the monitoring of the processes inside the digester without the need for opening. ennox inspection windows can be installed laterally in the digester wall, on the roof, or built into the top face. Accessories available upon request include covers, spraying units, lamps or cameras. The windows are shatter-proof and extremely stable. The frame is manufactured from ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Digesters and biogas reactors are normally designed and built to cover relatively low system pressures due to cost implications. In order to carry out effective cleaning of the system, operation of a consumer or transfer of the biogas, it is necessary to increase the operating pressure in the pipework. ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    The spraying unit serves to combat the accumuation of surface contaminants and buildups without opening the digester. With a special nozzle in combination with the correct water pressure, a powerful water jet is generated, which, either completely destroys oating sludge or directs it towards an oating sludge door. Manufactured from stainless steel, the ball joint from ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    The double membrane gasholder is made up of two spherical shaped polymer membranes (other forms are also possible), lying one inside the other. The external membrane is maintained in a stable form with the use of an air blower. The external membrane then serves as protector for the inner membrane against the influence of environmental factors such as wind or snow. The biogas is contained within ...

  • Manufactured by BioCNG, LLC
    based in USA

    Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel is ideal for fleet managers looking for alternatives to costly gasoline and diesel fuel. Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) are good for our economy, our environment, and your bottom line. Driven by record amounts of industry investment and government incentives, more and more fleets are turning to NGVs, which use clean, inexpensive, and abundant natural gas as a ...

  • Manufactured by CNG Direct, LLC
    based in USA

    Compressed Natural Gas Cylinders are plumbed together to create sizeable natural gas storage. Type 3 cylinders provide a balance between weight reduction and durability. ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Under the brandname StirLIN, Stirling Cryogenics offers a range of liquid nitrogen producing plants with different capacities but all based on the same principle and with the same features. These StirLIN plants produce LN2 on-site from ambient air by only using electrical power as input and range from 3 up to 50 liter per hour (70 – 3,600 liter per ...

  • Dantian AMA double membrane biogas holder by AMOCO is worked as indenpendent gas storage system, normally hemispherical segment shape, which is also the common shape of double membrane ...

  • AMOCO DANTIAN AMD type capsule double membrane biogas storage tank (biogas ballon, flexible tank, membrane gas tank), customized by customers. 3D diagram in Discussion Stage and Actual Photos after ...

  • Manufactured by Ecomembrane Srl
    based in ITALY

    Two membrane constant-pressure gasholders are designed to store biogas made from anaerobic digestion of organic waste and sludge. They are manufactured with biogas resistant polyester reinforced PVC membranes seam welded by high frequency electronic machines. The 2MASTER system is made with a single upper membrane, pressurized by an air fan 24 hours a day to give a pneumatic push on the inner ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Store and upgrade raw biogas to methane grid quality. Veolia provides solutions for biogas management with the TECON* Double Membrane Gasholder and the MemGas* gas upgrading system. TECON is used for any application that needs gas storage such as municipal wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic digestion, landfills with biogas usage, industrial wastewater treatment plants, agricultural energy ...

  • Manufactured by ITM Heat Transfer
    based in SPAIN

    Heat exchangers are the basic Heat transfer equipment used in Chemical Process industries for wide range of applications. ITM provides solutions for the most diverse applications, including the cooling and heating of base, intermediate, and final products; heat recovery; tempering of containers, reactors, and treatment vessels. ...

  • Manufactured by Biogas Products Ltd
    based in

    Our pvc double membrane biogas dome is suitable for all new or refurbished steel or concrete digester tanks whatever their shape or size. The domes are a very economical solution and can be installed quickly and easily. We recommend that a centre post net support system is used which ensures that the membranes cannot deflate into the contents of the ...

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