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Gasification Systems Manufacturers For Chemical & Pharmaceuticals - Petrochemical

3 companies found
  • Biogas & Gases Technologies (BGasTech)
    based in Barcelona, SPAIN

    BGasTech supplies equipment and technology for biogas facilities that including. Biogas cleaning, Biomethane production, odors removal, and pyrolysis and gasification gas purification. Also, we have technologies for landfill leachate treatment. We ...

  • Clariant International Ltd.
    based in Munich, GERMANY

    Clariant Corporation, formerly Sud-Chemie, sells, manufactures, and develops catalyst technology for industrial exhaust gas treatment. This includes removal of VOC's, HC's and decomposition of nitrogen compounds. Clariant is an internationally ...

  • TVT Termoventiltecnica S.r.l.
    based in Ponzano Veneto (Treviso), ITALY

    For over 30 years TVT TERMOVENTILTECNICA S.r.l. has been supplying to industries the best tailored solutions in the field of air pollution control and energy recovery, setting as an object the highest customer satisfaction. When developing and ...

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