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Sijihuo Fossil Energy Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • based in CHINA

    JM23 insulation brick is color of white insulating fire brick, with light Weight, based on aluminum silicate refractory materials. It’s made from high-purity refractory clays with graduated additions of alumina for applying in higher temperature working conditions. JM23 insulation brick with different bulk density from ...

  • based in CHINA

    Corundum brick is a kind of high alumina refractory bricks, and mainly produced and applied as special refractory mateirals in extreme working conditions. Corundum brick is made of high purity fused alumina powder, white fused alumina oxide or tabular alumina, adding with other binders like refractory clays, reactive alumina powder, and high purity silica. Corundum bricks are calcined at high ...

  • based in CHINA

    Calcium Silicate board , also known as the porous calcium silicate board, is a fiber-reinforced calcium silicate board, with silicon oxide, calcium oxide, and the reinforcing fibers as the main raw materials, The products are made by stirring, heating, gelling, forming, pipe hardening and drying. processes. Calcium silicate board is a new type of rigid insulation material. calcium silicate board ...

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