Fossil Energy Equipment Supplied In Indonesia

71 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in CANADA

    The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...

  • Premium
    based in CANADA

    The ACME-SLIM packages represent 40 years of experience in electric heating, temperature control, and manufacture of large integrated package ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    The SpectrOil M/F-W has become the standard instrument when on-site and immediate fuel analysis is a necessity. It fulfills the requirements of ASTM D 6728, Standard Test Method for Determination of Contaminants in Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine Fuel by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission ...

  • based in INDONESIA

    Gas flares are required for the safe disposal of gases, such as biogas, sewage gas or others when energy use in combined heat and power or heating is not possible. Our gas flares ensure that no gas can escape into the atmosphere unburned. Generally, flare systems avoid risks to humans and the environment. We offer flares as open flares with an open flame or closed with a covered ...

  • based in USA

    Donaldson Clean Diesel Kits are the answer to your fuel cleanliness worries. You can’t always control the cleanliness of diesel fuel delivered to you, but you can control how clean it is when you pump it into your vehicles and equipment. Donaldson Clean Diesel Kits are easy to install on any fuel dispenser and come with everything needed to filter out even the finest contaminants before ...

  • Manufactured by Forbes Marshall
    based in INDIA

    The Forbes Marshall EffiMax ™ boiler efficiency monitoring system is a proven and complete solution which helps improve boiler efficiency to reduce steam cost. The analysis of EffiMax™ reports leads to creating boiler specific standard operating procedures, which not only bridge the efficiency gap but also help sustain it over the entire operating life of a boiler. ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    The VariMax™ OTH (Once-Through Heater) is a high efficiency, industrial, indirect-fired gas heater used to heat process air streams without contaminating the air with the products of combustion. The OTH is well-suited for recirculating ovens, dryers, makeup-air applications in cold environments, and industrial processes with moderate temperature rises. The counterflow configuration, ...

  • Manufactured by Rotork plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The gas-over-oil range of pipeline actuators are designed to use pipeline gas as the motive power source. They utilise our robust GH and RH quarter-turn prime movers and are field proven in installations around the world. Control configurations are available to meet virtually any operational ...

  • based in USA

    Infilco Degremont has supplied more fluid bed incineration systems in North America than any other vendor. Our specialized incineration experts were recently awarded a U.S. patent for inventing a method to remove mercury and nitrogen oxides from combustion flue ...

  • based in INDONESIA

    The SpectrOil M/F-W is a compact, rugged and easy to use fuel analysis spectrometer. It is designed specifically for the analysis of ash-forming contaminants in fuel such as sodium, potassium and vanadium that cause corrosion or deposits at turbine operating temperatures. It measures trace quantities of dissolved or suspended contaminant particles in a fuel sample using the time-tested and ...

  • Manufactured by PT. JAYA ALAM SENTOSA
    based in INDONESIA

    Charcoal Mesh Size 2x6 derrives from Coconut Shell Charcoal, After crushing, get various sizes. Term Mesh 2x6, is used as raw material to produce Activated carbon for water/Air pollution ...

  • Manufactured by Vulcanic SAS
    based in FRANCE

    Vulcanic screw plug heaters are designed to heat fluids (water, oil, heavy fuel, glycol, acids, caustic soda, asphalt,etc.) or gases (air, nitrogen, CO2, etc.) by natural or forced convection up to 75 kW, 750 V 3-ph, 400 °C, 25 bar. erage cabinet temperature of 35°C ...

  • based in INDONESIA

    Suzhou Hailu Heavy Industry was founded in 1956 and since 2008 it is listed in Shenzen Stock Exchange. From marine boilers it is today a significant manufacturer of Industrial CFB and HR boilers, as well as demanding pressure vessels for nuclear, steel and chemical industry. Its global customers include Shell Coal, Alstom, Foster Wheeler, US Steel, Nippon Steel, Baosteel ...

  • Manufactured by Forbes Marshall
    based in INDIA

    Forbes Marshall Exhaust Gas/ Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHRB) or Exhaust Gas Boilers are fully packaged smoke tube industrial boilers equipped with advanced instrumentation to deliver maximum possible heat recovery. These boilers are ideal to recover heat from gen sets, incinerators, blast furnace exhausts etc. They enhance system efficiency and help save fuel and money. All Forbes ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    VariMax IFRG combines Des Champs Products heat-exchanger design with indirect heating technologies to deliver contaminant-free process air with very high efficiency. Recirculation of the combustion gases allows the heater to attain an efficiency of 90%, 1,000°F (555°C) temperature rise, 1,200°F (649°C) discharge temperature, and a 40:1 ...

  • Manufactured by EndressHauser AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    Universal flow and energy computer for gases, liquids and steam. The flow and energy manager RMC621 calculates standard volume as well as mass and energy flows of natural and technical gases, fluids and steam from flow, pressure, temperature and density. Depending on the medium calculation of the energy values occurs according to international standards (IAPWSIF97, SGERG88), real gas equations ...

  • based in INDONESIA

    The removal of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from biogas and sewage gas by desulphurisation systems serves to protect the environment and improve the operational safety of biogas fuels. It is equally important to avoid corrosion in parts of the biogas plant. Selected types of activated carbon can remove hydrogen ...

  • Manufactured by ARIANTO DARMAWAN,PT
    based in INDONESIA

    Weishaupt burners are equipped with electronic compound and digital combustion management since combustion technologies demand a precise, continually reproducible dosing of fuel and combustion air. They meet all the demands for safety, reliability, and low cost servicing. All important functions are controlled with digital precision. The aim is the optimization of operational functions, the ...

  • Manufactured by Organics Group plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Biomass gasifiers operate by heating biomass in an oxygen-starved environment until the biomass breaks into its constituent chemical components. The process requires the input of heat energy for the endothermic chemical reaction to proceed that splits the molecules apart. Gasification with air produces a low-Btu gas, with a heating value about one-fifth that of natural gas. Indirectly heated ...

  • Manufactured by Rotork plc
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The HPG range of pipeline actuators are designed to use pipeline gas as the motive power source. They utilise our robust scotch yoke mechanism field proven the world over in all types of fluid power applications. Manual override is a standard feature of the range. Our design incorporates a separate cylinder for hydraulic override to ensure complete separation of high-pressure pipeline gas from ...

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