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Geothermal Universities

2 companies found
  • Southern Methodist Univeristy Geothermal Laboratory
    based in Dallas, TEXAS (USA)

    The SMU Geothermal Lab hosts a conference dedicated to Geothermal Energy and Waste Heat to Power: Utilizing Oil and Gas Plays, the next one is in March 2013. Join us in learning about state-of-the-art technology, discuss surface equipment and deep ...

    SMU Geothermal Research

    SMU Geothermal Research

    Research is the lifeblood of the SMU Geothermal Laboratory. For over 40 years it has provided a rich foundation for the educational experience offered to undergraduates and graduate students alike. The main research focus of the SMU Geothermal Lab ...

  • In a world daily facing the growing and often contradictory challenges of increased energy demands, declining reserves of fossil fuels, and an urgent need to address the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions, there is a clear case for far sighted ...

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