Deep Geothermal Services
based in GERMANY
Large projects such as deep geothermal developments require an accurate and structured project management. This is all the more the case, the greater the number of partners involved in the same ...
“For all questions, I always find, within the CSD network, experienced specialists who can also propose new and sustainable solutions. Accordingly, for the renovation of our water supply network, I could, without reservations, dare to try innovations that had not yet been implemented anywhere else. My confidence was rewarded 100%.” ...
based in GERMANY
Geothermal heat extracted from depth in excess of 400 meters is categorised as deep geothermal energy (DGE). It can be either directly used for heating purposes or it can supply the energy for electricity generation. The heat can be extracted by Hot-Dry-Rock (HDR) processes or by the drilling into aquifers or ...
based in GERMANY
Realizing deep geothermal projects implies a number of risks. The exploration risk represents the largest economic risk for investors and project developers. Also, technical risk insurances (comprehensive all-risk insurance) as well as drilling risk mitigation have to be considered. Questions concerning mining damages and third party liability associated with seismic risk form important aspects ...
Geothermal energy is used to supply heat for residential and industrial purposes. It is also used to promote agricultural and aquaculture production in cold climates by heating soils, aquaculture ponds and greenhouses. In addition, high-temperature geothermal energy is used to generate electricity. The key to the successful exploration, development (incl. drilling) and utilization of any type ...
based in GERMANY
Our portfolio of strategic consulting in industry, economy and the service sector spans numerous issues that may result from the economic involvement of a company in deep geothermal ...
Manufactured by AltaRock Energy (ARE)based in USA
Well completion represents up to 25% of overall project development costs, making it critical to project economics. Existing materials and components used in conventional geothermal and oil & gas are incapable of withstanding the higher temperature environments required for SHR and new technologies are required. Unlike oil & gas wells that reach peak production in a few years, geothermal ...
based in GERMANY
Magnetotelluric, magnetic and gravity surveys are used in combination with seismics to find and understand deep geothermal reservoirs down to several kilometers in depth. Special borehole logging tools for shallow heat source probes can localise the drill path and control the quality of backfill and temperature down to 300m in ...
based in GERMANY
Geothermal systems exploit heat from underground to produce energy for heating purposes, and where geothermal temperatures are sufficiently high, this heat can be used to generate electrical energy. The term surface geothermal is used to refer to sources down to a depth of 400 metres, below that we use the term deep geothermal. In the field of geothermal energy gec-co is involved exclusively with ...
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