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Geothermal Software Services

2 services found
  • based in SWITZERLAND

    Geothermal energy is used to supply heat for residential and industrial purposes. It is also used to promote agricultural and aquaculture production in cold climates by heating soils, aquaculture ponds and greenhouses. In addition, high-temperature geothermal energy is used to generate electricity. The key to the successful exploration, development (incl. drilling) and utilization of any type ...

  • based in CANADA

    Exploration programs are usually developed in 3 steps: reconnaissance, pre-feasibility and feasibility. The size and budget of the exploration program should be proportional to the following characteristics: Exploration objectives, Importance of the resources you expect to find, Planned utilization of the resource. Understandably, any reduction in the number or size of the program(s) will lead to ...

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