Geothermal Equipment Supplied In Africa
PremiumManufactured by Specacbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Specac’s Electrical Heating Jacket is designed to allow the study of solid and liquid samples over a temperature range from ambient to circa 250°C, via transmission spectroscopy ranging from the Far UV through to the Far IR. The variation in temperature is achieved by heating the Electrical Heating Jacket from its dedicated 30-volt supply 4000 Series power controller whilst a particular ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
Combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration has significant potential in the data centre industry. Electricity and heat recovered from a gas engine captive power plant can be deployed for useful onsite us. Converting the heat into cooling via absorption chillers is called combined cooling heat and power or trigeneration, and can be deployed to support the cooling of data centre ...
Manufactured by Balcke-Durr GmbHbased in GERMANY
Our turbine condensers are rated among the most efficient in the world. Decades of experience in the design and construction of condensers, during which the products have been constantly optimized in close cooperation with plant operators, stand for high degree of operating reliability and top class ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
Combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration has significant potential in the brewery industry. Electricity and heat recovered from a gas engine can be deployed at high efficiency for useful onsite use. This gives the ability to reduce operational costs and reduce carbon emissions. Converting the heat into cooling via absorption chillers is called combined cooling heat and power (CCHP) or ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
In those areas not serviced by a main electricity grid, locally generated electricity is ideally suited as a cost-effective way of meeting the local electricity demand while reducing significant network installation or upgrade costs. Through supply of energy directly at the load with a captive power plant, it is also possible to reduce or avoid altogether the transport and distribution losses. ...
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